As we depart on yet another journey,

let’s take a quick stop in Puckertown.

Now that we have that bit of vertigo taken care of, let’s get on with important matters.
Kicking things off, if your memory isn’t as crappy as mine is, then you’ll surely remember Monday’s post, the end of which we discussed La Crosse, Wisconsin’s tentative plan to build all over a considerably sized local chunk of open space.
Well commenter Tim came though with a full-blown petition we can sign to help our Midwestern brothers and sisters out. Go ahead and sign it. I’ll wait.
Now then, the ever charismatic Jeff Frane of All City got in touch with a heads up regarding some of their new soft goods;
holy shit our new Wool Jerseys are spectacular, and I’ve taken my modeling to new never before reached heights;
Please do me the favor and let your readers know about it.”

The black and white makes it particularly artistic.
DPow! from Minneapolis West Design Works got in touch with some stuff about some things;
“Hey all,
We’ve just finished nailing down a deal with our new BFFs over at Kleen Kanteen to make a PDW limited edition stainless steel pint glass. The artwork (featuring Jesse Lalonde’s alternate PDW crest logo and a timeless quote from our favorite contemporary American poet) is attached. Needless to say, we’re pretty excited about them. This email is going out to our pals to give you the heads up. They should be in hand by Feb 1st 2012 and they’ll be $12. Yeah, they are a little expensive, but unlike every glass pint you’ve ever owned, they will not break when you drunkedly throw them at the television set following a Joey Harrington interception. Look at it as a life time investment. Murph, Erik and I each got one of these this past summer (thanks Anna!) and I use mine every single day.
Fill them with milk, root beer, ginger beer or domestic beer, if that is your thing! (I’m going to fill mine with Moslon, eh.)
If you are interested let me know. We’ll have a couple hundred of them coming in and I’d like to get them into the hot hands of pals of PDW first.”

That all sounds good, personally I prefer drinking out of something that, in a pinch could be (and has been) used as a weapon.
Always the thoughtful one, Colin sent one of these compilations towards the end of last year, (which I’d link if I could find it) and then again on Monday. I have to say that if I were to pick a favorite type of holiday greeting, this would be it;

Let’s see what else have we got? Oh.. I know. There is a fellow by the name of Schreiner. The day I met him, I knew that I liked him. I’ve only made him cry once and he has only roofied me twice.
Like two peas in a pod we are, except for he has a sparkling wit and a natural comedic timing.
Also, he looks like this;
Photo by Nicolle Clemetson.
He and I have been talking with some frequency regarding the use of a web log to promote one’s self as an actor, a writer, an artist, a unicorn, or what have you.
Besides all of those thing, I would guess that his primary directive however was to promote himself as an emotionally stunted thirteen year old boy, which he has done brilliantly with the launch of Horse Shit From A Dirtbag.
I have little to no faith that he will commit to this project, and I will look back on today’s post in a month or so and regret the wasted space. He will sit down for a future post and a butterfly will flit by the window and that will be the last the internet will see of our hero.
However, I was wrong once and odds are good that it might happen again someday. Should that fate befall me, I hope that it occurs now and we can all enjoy Schreiner’s brand of poo humor, or pümer if you will, for months to come. At least until he gets signed on for bit parts on Glee and forgets all of us little people who launched him into a different realm of mediocrity.
Speaking of which, the entirely not mediocre Paved Magazine has just released its newest issue, featuring my entirely-too-mediocre ‘Axis of Stevil’ footnote. That aside, the magazine just keeps getting better;
The photos are second to none and the writing (with the exception of mine) is stellar.
Keep your eyes peeled to your mail box or your friendly neighborhood periodical dealer and snag yourself up a copy.
Coupled with a piping hot cup of joe and the sunny spot on the living room floor, it’s not a trip to Puckertown, but it promises to take your mind on a trip to far away and picturesque locations, and sometimes that’s just as good.

Spread this like it's sick

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5 Responses to “As we depart on yet another journey,”

  1. Brendan December 21, 2011 at 7:39 am #

    Part of me wants to act like I’m too busy to watch 12 minutes of people getting owned. Then I remember I’m never too busy for that. Good holiday greeting.

  2. dpow December 21, 2011 at 7:53 am #

    Gah, I winched way too many times in that 12 minutes. Brilliant.
    Also, it was pointed out to me by a Canadian that in Canada, they put the S before the L in Molson.
    Can you believe that?

  3. Mike Wisco December 21, 2011 at 7:17 pm #

    Thanks for bringing out my holiday snort! And. props to the bros on Wisconsin West Coast. Save Hixton.

  4. Nived December 22, 2011 at 1:22 pm #

    Best 12 minutes spent today..

  5. daniel hollingsworth January 4, 2012 at 9:24 pm #

    is it over yet? can i open my eyes now?
    “pucker” is an understatement i don’t think i’m gonna crap for a few days thanks, guys.