It's a Sammy Hagar weekend.

It's a Sammy Hagar weekend.

If you know the song, the you're already hearing in your head.

If you don't, then you're welcome.

The reason why Thelonious Monster is so entrenched in both my subconscious as well as my conscious this week is evidenced by this weekend's 'One For The Weekend';

 Firstly, I was a huge TM fan when I was in high school, secondly, I'd forgotten that this documentary had come out, and thirdly, I was so glad to finally have watched it. 

As a side note/(not so) fun fact, it was interesting to see Stone Pimple Toilet's Scott Weiland interviewed in the doc, as it was his younger brother Michael who originally turned me on to Thelonious monster to begin with, and who also sadly lost his battle with addiction several years before Scott did. 

I've only seen Thelonious Monster play one time, and later saw The Bicycle Thief, but Bob is certainly a magnetic personality and watching the doc renewed my appreciation of his existence.

Another person I appreciate the existence of is Wout Van Wert, who absolutely slogged his way to a well-deserved victory at this weekend's World Cup in Dendermonde;


I'm curious how it would have played if Van Der Pol had not been sidelined due to some injured ribs. 

Another thing that I was curious about was if I'm the last person inn the world to realize that 'Iserbyt' sounds an awful lot like 'isabitch'.

Anyway, things to ponder when watching the world's greatest apply their craft.

I will talk endless shit about the UCI, but their move to have their races broadcast on HBO and also live stream on YouTube might be just about the only good thing they've done in about fifteen years.

While that is obviously an exaggeration, it kinda isn't.

Moving on to other topics, it was through a meandering route of channels that I found the following clumsily cropped correspondence;


This leads me to but one tangible conclusion- That is that someone recently got visited by a ghost of Christmas future.

At this juncture, I'd like to share the best Wes Brooks t-shirt design ever in history;

It's rare that I ever come across a tribute drawing so inspired, and I wish to the depths of my soul that I had come up with it myself.

And while we're on the topic of inspiration, it was just 23 hours ago when Gaytheist release the newest track off of their forthcoming album, and not surprisingly, it's the best;

Sit back, close your eyes and let the soothing sounds wash over you.

Now then, as I prepare to close up shop, kick your shoes off and drink up the newest episode of Revolting;

We're both loose cannons.

Just like always, we probably drank some beer, smoked some pot, snorted some coke, and then drove over 55.

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Jose- I knew there was something… Or I thought I knew there was something? I can’t remember. Perhaps I was just giving it the benefit of the doubt. I swear it did something non-dickish in 2013…


I’m wonder what the UCI did fifteen years ago that was OK. Or ever. Like when they took over mountain biking I knew the world was coming to an end. Who or what Mike Sinyard is wanting to forgive? I can’t talk shit about him really since he sent a signed copy of their book that Mark Reedy wrote like 20 years or so ago or longer. The jesture was pretty cool I thought. Specialized had made some PR mistakes yet I’ll give them a pass because of the book. And my girlfriend has an older Epic Sworks which is actually a pretty good XC bike. And they jumped on the Ebike thing early. Others may not think that a good thing yet those other are fewer by the day.


Thanks Stevil! There is nothing better on an early weekend morning then a cup of coffee and watching a bunch of bike racers rip each other’s legs off in the mud and rain, Epic.
The new Gaythiest is Fucking Amazing. A few years back I ordered a shirt from you and you sent me a message that it was out of stock but you’d substitute another. A Gaythiest shirt arrived which led me to check them out and I was not disappointed!
Thanks again and I hope the knee is feeling better.


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