Nowhere to go but down.

Nowhere to go but down.

Not that you're interested, but here's a glimpse of the inner workings of how these posts come to be. A turn of phrase comes to mind, I imagine an image, then try and find one that correlates in my photos, or somewhere on the internet. Then I follow that with a bunch of jibber jabber clap trap nonsenseries.

But it all starts with a few words and an image. 

Thankfully I found this one from Laura Papas of Soulrun Supplies took of me a few years ago in Moab. 

I don't have many hero shots, so when one comes around, I gotta hold it on high.

Anyhü- This is what was on my mind as I began hunting and pecking.

In news of things you probably ought not to miss, it was early yesterday morning when it came to my attention that Chris 'The Muscle' Russell had a brand new OJ Wheels part that had been made available, and without even watching it, I knew it was going to be hectic.

I was not wrong;

It sure is wild to see people do things that it's abundantly obvious they were born to do.

In news of other worthy small businesses to support (besides this one, natch), I would like to direct your attention to Carve Slayer;

 For what it's worth, I buy these in bulk to occasionally include in an odd order from me, or Donkelope Greg, or to put them up in churches, or what have you.

In fact, since I've been working at The Cabin I've kept a steady stream of them into my domain for application in the bathrooms.

The owner's wife, and head bartendress Kay seems to think a churchy type who comes in on Thursday afternoon is the party responsible for consistently removing them, but they're his fingernails. As long as he insists on taking them down, I'll keep putting them back up.

Moving on- there were two extremely important events the weekend, neither of which I attended because life and finances. Or more specifically an abundance of the former, and a woefull lack of the latter. The first being the annual RFTC show in their hometown of The Whale's Vagina;

I think this was the first year in six I've missed out on, so what I'm planning on doing is going twice as big in 2025.

The other thing I missed for about the sixth year in a row was the 27th annual Homie Fall Fest. If you don't know what the Homie is, it's just about the funnest time you can have on a bike with your clothes on, though that's not entirely confirmed.

Nobody reached out directly with a report, but I hollered at Robert and he at least shot me over some photos so we stragglers in the bunch could get a glimpse of the good time that was had, and we missed;

 I even had plans to host a PNW version this year, but I'm generally unmotivated and also find that I am far more adept staying in bed and not doing stuff. I went so far as to procure a proper one speed (a 20 year old Karate Monkey, but close enough).

Maybe next year will be my year. As the bumper sticker on my Fall Guy truck says "well, there's always tomorrow¯\_(ツ)_/¯".

Now, as the curtain begins to fall here on today's AHTBM post, I'm compelled to include the very newest episode of Revolting;

We really fucked this one up, so in light of this reality I suppose it should be noted  we likely have nowhere to go but up.

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All hail the jibber jabber clap trap nonsenseries


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