“Locked but mostly loaded.”

Ego don’t sentio tardus.

Between leaving town, preparing my taxes, general apathy, and specific apathy, I have amassed yet another selection of whimsy and wonder that we have come to know as ‘The Mail Bag’. Occasionally these correspondences are regarding something important like a fund raiser for a fallen comrade, but more often than not, they are quick, and easily digestible bites of random flotsam for those with an attention span that rivals that of a flea.
With that said, let us roll out the carpet for another round of what’s going on with the people.


Gold stars for like, nearly everybody.

I was shocked. Within a matter of hours I had a nearly perfect score sent to me for Monday’s quiz from Jason. This tells me two things. My queries were too easy, and Jason has too much time on his hands.
That said, I have re-posted the test, with Jason’s answers and in the rare instance that he was wrong, the correct answer along side of it. Scan though and see how you faired.
Or dont.
I don’t really care.
This is what I imagined Jason’s response was to finding out that he had passed the test, though it is as of yet unconfirmed whether or not there was a fat man picking his nose behind him at the time.
