Back to normal life.

Firstly, have you gotten a load of this?

In all of the absolute unexpected/unprecedented garbage that’s occurred these last few years, this one is the very most welcome.

Now lets get on with the meat of the matter. With the whirlwind few days in the PDX behind me, I have but a few fuzzy memories stored with my brain. So as to not drone on and bore the good people who come here to waste their mornings, I’ll simply opt for a photo dump, and provide a caption where it might be warranted.

This also allows me to try and build a timeline of what actually happened, so starting from the start, as most folks know, I came to town for a show of these damned boxes I’ve spent that last many, many months completing.

It looked pretty good I think, but I’m so cross-eyed on these things currently, I can’t tell east from west;

I would be remiss to not mention the show will be up through the middle of July so if you missed the reception, please head into the spot and check it out.

Now, as I said last week, I was going to include some photos of cute animals, and my word is my bond, so here are some of those;

Kevin (the little white one) was my playmate for the week, and is a world champion of keep away. Since I spent the most time with him, here’s one more for good measure;

One morning while snuggling in bed, I looked up a ‘cartoon blink sound’ on my phone because that’s how his blinks would sound if they made any, which liked that a lot.

Ok, so having handled that, after a day of goofing around, it was time for the reception, of which I took no photos. I did however get the chance to take lots of photos of people wearing the Art Show Glasses, and anyone who doesn’t like that, is hard to love and probably has poor taste in fashion;

It was a real who’s who of bike derelicts to be sure, and I thank everyone for coming out to show support;

One extraordinary highlight for me was at one point while chatting with one person or another was the entrance of at least ten of my Bellingham/Cabin Tavern compatriots. One after the next filed in, and my jaw kept dropping further.

Of the many cursed blessings that I live with, one is being wholly unsurprisable. I’ve been instrumental if not fully responsible for dozens of epic and world class surprises in my life, and I’m always aware when something is afoot for me, but this one caught me completely off guard.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt so loved and appreciated as I do by those I work near and with;

I have to deal with drunk kids into the wee hours of the morning, and am constantly about one aggressive exchange away from getting punched, or worse, but that aside, I consider myself extremely lucky.

Then, as the dust from all of that settling, with a day of rain behind me, and a window of nice weather, my friend Greg and I got out on a little bit of a dirt rip;

I can only assume that because Greg has over the last decade crafted himself into a proper cross and road honch, he emerged from our ride barely dusty, and I myself was literally caked in mud, which called for a bike detailing afternoon;

My whips were far more roached than his, and even after painstaking amounts of cleaning, they still look hung out wet, but it’s my cross and I bear it.

Finally, it was time for the secondary, but equally important reason for my being in the city of roses, that being The Ils, Gaytheist, and Whores, and oooh, baby was it a crackerjack of an evening;

Why, towards the end of the evening, I stumbled back across the very funny Kyle Kinane. As we were having a friendly chat, I my nipples got pinched, and I looked up to see Gaytheists’ almost supernaturally talented Nick Parks wearing a sinister smile. We hugged, I introduced the two, and got a snap;

If anyone was curious, the secret to my success is to simply hide behind those around me who are giants.

Now finally, probably what we’ve all been waiting for I’m proud to present a thing that’s only found here on the the All Hail The Black Market web project, ‘The One Question Band Interview’.

This time around I asked Gaytheist’s Jason Rivera a question that’s been burning a hole in everyone’s minds.

Q: When did you learn how to tie bowties?

A: 1986

You heard not here first.

It’s with that, I now turn your attention to the newest episode of Revolting;

The old normal is not the new normal.

Spread this like it's sick

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4 Responses to “Back to normal life.”

  1. Brad Religion June 11, 2024 at 6:10 pm #

    My bikes just accumulate crust faster than other people’s. I’ve learned to accept that even if I work hard to keep them clean I’mma still roll up like Pigpen.

  2. Hugh Mador June 12, 2024 at 6:28 pm #

    did you see the Sadies?

  3. Captain Badbeard June 13, 2024 at 8:02 am #

    New Jesus Lizard AND cute doggos? You made a hard day a little better Stevil.

  4. Brain Wilson June 15, 2024 at 7:06 pm #

    An old Friday video you posted that remains in my permanent bookmark list, Amero and Waldons Joyride, and your current love of RCVs make me think you will enjoy a newcomer Wheelie Yellow find him on the Grams and YouTube