I don't really know what I'm doing anymore.

I don't really know what I'm doing anymore.

Photo via.

Ok, so, I guess that's likely no secret any longer, but it will likely become especially apparent today. 

I placed out for the weekend and because I forgot to post a one for the weekend, I'lll just re-brand the one I had at the ready and begin  today's post with it;

It's like a living video game. 

I've only ridden in Quebec one time, and it was just this beautiful. It was the 2000 NORBA Nationals race, that finally, after slugging it out in the trenches for years, I at long last had snagged a top step. Eventually, when the results were officially posted, I found out I'd gotten  DQed. I tried to inquire as to why, and conveniently no one I spoke with who maintained any position of authority spoke english, so I never found out exactly what happened, but I suspect it had something to do with French Canadian race organizers having a disdain for dashing characters in orange jumpsuits.

Moving on- It was in this recent post where I introduced folks to a character who goes by the name 24 Yep and a couple of his super cool RC rigs. Wel, being inspired by his work, and having spent about a year envisioning the prospect of dissembling some of my Nerd-Off entries (remember the Great AHTBM Model Building Nerd-Off?), and seeing if I could configure one of the bodies for RC application.

Long story short- I did, and even though it doesn't look like it was supposed to;

I think it's pretty bad ass; 

I'm real happy with how this first little venture in the dirt went down, and as I'm currently packing my bags to head back to Oakland for a few days, I likely will be bringing a few other models back with me to see if they might work out similarly.

For those who might be curious, the platform is a SCX24 with a few spacers, and magnets, and other various bits and pieces of stuff glued on.

If I can figure it out the process, anyone can.

Now, I would be remiss to not make many mention of the mind boggling devastation in Los Angeles. We're just collectively getting our heads around the indescribable devastation in North Carolina (which mind you, they are still fighting through), and now this.

It's all too much to wrap my mind around, but as we always do, we do our best to circle the wagons and help out in whatever ways we can. Thankfully artist and all around good human Kristen Ferrell hit me with vetted resources from Punk Rock Saves Lives in the form of this PDF.

Here you can find shelters, animal rescue, and boarding, donation sites and more.

Personally, I'm at a bit of a loss. The best I can do every day is take a breath, dust myself off, and keep moving forward, because I don't guess there's any other option. There certainly are no shortage of GoFundMe profiles available to contribute to, and I have for a few people I'm personally associated with, but I won't post them here, as I assume everyone knows someone who's lost their homes, businesses, or both.

I did see a poem the other day that kinda stopped me in my tracks, offered me a reprieve from my my own stupid spiral, and gave me a real good 'Joy As An Act Of Resistance' kind of vibe;

It's by a person called Tony Hoagland, and it reads as such, 

Reasons to Survive November

November like a train wreck—
as if a locomotive made of cold
had hurtled out of Canada
and crashed into a million trees,
flaming the leaves, setting the woods on fire.

The sky is a thick, cold gauze—
but there's a soup special at the Waffle House downtown,
and the Jack Parsons show is up at the museum,
full of luminous red barns.

—Or maybe I'll visit beautiful Donna,
the kickboxing queen from Santa Fe,
and roll around in her foldout bed.

I know there are some people out there
who think I am supposed to end up
                in a room by myself

with a gun and a bottle full of hate,
a locked door and my slack mouth open
          like a disconnected phone.

But I hate those people back
from the core of my donkey soul
and the hatred makes me strong
and my survival is their failure,

and my happiness would kill them
so I shove joy like a knife
into my own heart over and over

and I force myself toward pleasure,
and I love this November life
where I run like a train
deeper and deeper
into the land of my enemies.

Maybe it doesn't help you from dooming out at all, or maybe it does a little bit.

One thing that will for sure keeping you from dooming out for at least 59 minutes and 12 seconds however is the newest episode of Revolting;

I may not know what I'm doing in general, but boy am I good at talking a lot about nothing.
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1 comment

Ahh, the Nerd Off. I still remember the line from Jaws that popped in my head as I started to browse the other entries, “We’re gonna need a bigger boat!”. Try not to let the Orange Fart Cloud (Stevil quote) bring you down. Thats his game but you don’t have to play. One of my go to’s for countering the never ending flow of orange bulll dookie is a cyclocross rider named Puck. I’m sure you’ve heard of her. Anyway her edits always make me smile and for reasons I can’t explain I especially like the ones when she speaks dutch and I can’t understand a word!??? Cheers Amigo!
ps the dodge is fucking rad!

Meeker Dog

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