Dreams, and other byproducts of the subconscious.

cat mouth

Since I was a young biped I had dreams of the strangest and most lucid sort. For a number of years I took to writing them down until the glimpse into the darkest corners of my mind got to be too much for me and I had to cut it out.

Well, the other morning I snapped awake after experiencing the mental storyline of doing fruit flavored whip-its with a tank top wearing Rick Springfield;
I suppose my point being that from now going forward, I’m just going to be winging it and running on fumes, because after that, reality just will never be good enough.

With my head down, shoulders slumped, and arms very literally dropped lifelessly to my side, I reckon I should try and get through some fodder just the same.

Firstly, I’ve included the following maker of art that doesn’t suck in various posts before, but felt compelled to do so again because his new work is sucking less than ever before.

So here’s your re-visit to the visual feast of Simon Stalenhag;
His work just keeps getting better and better.

Unrelated to that exactly, aside from it being a thing which one might conjure up in a dream state, I’ll move onto this next bit.

As I sometimes do, while scanning the Internets recently, I came across the Instagram feed of my old buddy Ian from Castelli, and on it he had a food item depicted that I kinda flipped out for. Unlike the sample I introduced here however, I actually made these and put them in my mouth.

Bacon Mac and Cheese muffins;

The above depicted are mine and vary from Ian’s only a little bit.

All you wanna do is cook up three packages of Trader Joe’s frozen macaroni and cheese, and throw it in a bowl with some chopped canned jalapeños. Toss in a quarter cup of bread crumbs and mix well. Partially cook fifteen pieces of bacon on a baking pan in the oven, use paper towel and dab bacon grease in a muffin pan, then wrap bacon in to the muffin slots. Fill with mac, add a shot of hot sauce, crumble bacon on top and bake for fifteen minutes.

For the little splash of spice across the top, Ian used and suggested Cock sauce;
But all I had was Tapatio;
Whether you prefer Cock, or Kill Whitey is entirely up to you.

The end result should hopefully be the same, and that is a full belly, followed but a nap, followed by complete destruction of your plumbing.

You’re welcome.

Finally, as we squeeze the last little bit of ether from the tube, I have the following jibberjabber left to cover. It was just last week when I got the word that Sim Works had planned a little pop up shop in Oakland’s arm of the King Cog empire over the weekend. So despite record breaking lethargy on my part, I hopped, skipped, and limped into the shop just in time to not only get the best bike parking spot, but to slap hands and catch up with none other than Pineapple Bob himself;
pineapple bob
For those who perhaps don’t know, Bob is a legend both on and off the bike. Cyclocross pioneer, artist, historian, and one time Bridgestone poster boy;
Pineapple Bob
It’s always good to cross paths with that fella, because he is literally, one of the better folks I’ve ever had the pleasure to know.

Eventually more and more folks began to filter in, and the general level of handsomeness in the room only increased;

After a time, a pair of rollers were brought out for the evening’s main event of gold sprints, and I took that as my cue to pull the rip chord and bail right the hell out.

Jimmy James and I melted into the night, weaving in and out of traffic, with visions of vegetarian sushi and ice cold Mexican beer dancing in our brains. Soon enough we’d lay or weary heads down for long nights’ sleep, he in his house, and me in mine. The sandman would be along eventually, to sprinkle across our weary domes his mixture of sleep dust, and hopefully if we were lucky, at least a few fruit flavored whip-its.

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3 Responses to “Dreams, and other byproducts of the subconscious.”

  1. Eversonic August 29, 2016 at 7:49 am #

    lately something’s changed, it ain’t hard to define…

  2. scott lynch August 29, 2016 at 6:15 pm #

    Whoa! P-Bob looks fantastic! Haven’t seen that guy in ages (and shame on me for that)

  3. Sparky McFaddle August 31, 2016 at 12:21 pm #

    Why does Rick look like a midget and that other guy an Oompa Loompa? Maybe too much of that damn gay midget porn….me that is.