Hey.. I’ll tell ya..
I drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample it had an olive in it.
As we ascend to the summit of the week, and this past weekend’s bender is just a fuzzy outline in the rearview mirror, I have a selection of fodder for your consideration, so without further hesitation let’s get on with it.
As I mentioned last week, Brian Vernor’s ‘Cyclocross Meeting’ premiered in the San Francisco, and as was expected, a wide array of cycloenthusiasts were in attendance, a good number of which were wearing the uniform that young cycloenthusiasts prefer, being a cycloenthusiast cap and/or a cycloenthusiast’s transport satchel;
Photo by Jon Suzuki.
As we arrived to the moving picture premiere early, and feeling slightly out of place as none of us had either cycloenthusiast cap or transport satchel, we opted to adjourn to a nearby watering hole where we consumed an array of carbonated adult beverages;
Jon Suzuki didn’t take this photo.. I think I did.
Returning to the theatre, we engaged in a spirited game of position jockeying and drank a few more canned beverages;
This blurry shot of Papa Joe and JMac was taken by me. Papa Joe is a legend, and JMac will eventually be.
However, I’ve come to find that my skill at said jockying leaves something to be desired, as my position in line among all of the other cycloenthusiasts continually fell further and further to the back;
This photo is also by Jon Suzuki.
As it turns out I stand in line very similarly to the way that I engage in bicycle related athletic pursuits.
Anyway, once we got inside, we found our way to a bank of seats suitable for our asses, and planted them. Before the film began, we were treated to a live performance by the San Francisco based musical group Roots of Orchis, as film footage of cyclocross styled athletic pursuits were projected on the wall behind them;
Yep, Jon Suzuki took this one too.
Eventually the band ended and the film began. Unfortunately for me, the warm popcorn in my stomach, coupled with the beer, the dark, and the comfy theater seats lulled me into a momentary slumber, but I snapped out of it just before Yafro punched me in the snore hole.
Fortunately for me, I wasn’t this guy;
I don’t know who took this photo. Sike! It was Jon Suzuki.
I can guarantee, if this sleepy fellow is in a band, nobody takes him seriously.
As we were expelled from the theatre’s bowels, and made our way back into the warm night air, more drinks and a late night meal were the call, which ended up consisting of margaritas and Mexican food on an island where Raccoon attacks have been occurring with alarming regularity.
Finally ending up at home base, I fell asleep with my head on a lady bug pillow, and both shoes still on my feet.
As the sun rose, and pierced the single bullet hole in the skylight above my head, I awoke and prepared for a day not watching films by and about cycloenthusiasts, but rather engaging in the activity itself with my old/new/old friend Devlin;
After humping my new and re-geared All City over hill and dale, we finally landed at an eatery, where we filled our tanks and took in some scenery;
Sun’s out, guns out, youknowwhatI’msayin’?
I coulda done without the hangover, but that aside, I couldn’t have picked a better way to spend a Monday.
My boss might be a dick, but he’s pretty lax as far as scheduling is concerned.
Speaking of which;
That also reminds me;
You never know what life affirming goodies you’ll come across upon entering the home of one Tina B and JMac.
Much like their domicile, my inbox can also provide you with fits of whimsy and wonder.
Stewart kicks off today’s mail bag extravaganza with a heads up concerning an upcoming bicycle related freak out;
You know how no one wants to call alley cats “alley cats” anymore because women do not show up to alley cats? I found a clever solution! Call it a scavenger hunt! This Saturday Atlanta is going to have a killer scavenger hunt: The Puzzle. Everyone will ride their bike around town gathering puzzle pieces, race to the finish and put their puzzle together. Along the way there will be challenges, prizes and general silliness. Afterwards we are going to show a movie outside on the side of the bar.
We even have a trailer for The Puzzle! I think Jesse Helms would have made a killer trailer for all those alley cats he staged if he was not so busy eating children. Since he is not with us, I thought I would give it a shot.
Just tell me what time your flight arrives and I will pick you up from the airport.
The Puzzle Trailer.
You can get the latest info here!
Saturday, November 20th, 2010
Registration: 4 p.m.
Race time: 4:40 p.m.
Starts @ The Wren’s Nest in West End
Finishes @ Elliott Street Pub in Castleberry Hill
Cost: A few cans of food for the Atlanta Community Food Bank
Speaking of girls, and bikes, and girls riding bikes, Nick sent me a photo of his youngn’ who also happens to be the newest honorary AHTBM team member;
“Too bad she lost the hat. After 20 minutes of racing and 3 hours in the bouncy house she was in a daze.
20 minutes of racing and three hours in a bouncy house is the least I can ask of my team. Though for those of age, and willing to partake in the embibement, it should also possibly include an olive.
I see that picture of Rodney Dangerfield every year. And every year he looks younger.
My favorite Dangerfield one liner:
“Alright fuck face, Now I’m gonna take your eye out and show it to ya!”
Carbonated adult beverages = fizzy lifting drinks. I’m certain of it.
look at the SIZE of that KFC container (not the one Colonel Sanders is hogging all to himself)!! Must be like a 30pc or something.
The Colonel was obviously faced with the age old satorial dilemma that morning. |Most people would have rocked the cream socks with that outfit without giving it so much as a second though but he grabbed the nettle and went for the black to go with his shoes, which, as far as i’m concerned, paid off handsomely.