A Tuesday quickie.

Firstly, did you see this weekend’s ‘One For The Weekend’?

What on Dog’s green earth are you waiting for?

Oh my god, it’s just the best.

Now then- I don’t have much time for these shenanigans as I’m still on my whirlwind book tour, and am too busy carousing with the beautiful people to properly tend to my duties.

Two things I would like to make mention of right fast however is that:

A) Shimano USA has not only just signed up for another year of advertising duties here on the All Hail The Black Market web project, but has signed on for another run of corporate sponsorship duties on the Revolting podcast as well.

Take a second and let that sink in. Shimano… Arguably one of the largest entities in the entire bike industry is down here mucking around with us. That is absolutely insane to me, but I’m so stoked that they find value in whatever the hell it is that’s going on here.

B) An equally insane set of developments has transpired recently which has found the estimable and historic Bell Helmets bellying up to the bar, which is exciting to me for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it was the safety equipment choice of Steve McQueen;

Photo by Francois Gragnon/Paris Match via Getty Images

Speaking of which, Bell’s just released the Steve McQueen collection (his signature helmet included);

-On which I plan to swoop directly.

Man, I feel like an actual responsible, productive, legitimate grownup.

So, for those of us who haven’t paid attention, Chris McNally and I have just released a book of drawings which was over three years in the making;

This past Friday we had our first of three parties for it at Mission Workshop’s San Francisco store;

-and it was a cavalcade of celebrities, some of which I documented with my renowned art show glasses;

One night alt an art show many years ago, my compatriot Paul Urich said that when I wear those, I look like somebody who knows some stuff he wants to know.

Anyway, we signed a few books, slapped a few hands, saw some friends, and passed on a few little commemorative bottles of brown;

It was a hell of a kick off, and with that concluded we’re taking our show on the road this coming weekend with a Friday night at Peloton in Seattle;

-and a matinée performance with Portland’s Golden Pliers on Saturday;

Roll through if you can, or do us a solid and spread the word if you can’t.

We have books to sell, and a gigantic debt to pay back. Come one, come all to the bookiest show on earth.

Alrighty then- With that business handled I will pull up stakes with the notification of the brand newest episode of the Revolting podcast;

As always, it’s not the best one, but it’s not the worst one.

Just as a good quickie should be.

Spread this like it's sick

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One Response to “A Tuesday quickie.”

  1. Loren March 23, 2023 at 8:46 pm #

    Currently making my way through your backlog of webtalks on my commutes….see ya Saturday at Golden Pliers! They can thank you for my first visit there!