Shining up our skis for the day.
Whatever the hell that means.
Take a sn(wh)iff (of my pant leg, baby), and let’s get on with today’s effort.
First things first, I’d like to formally announce that this past Thanksgiving day once again saw my absence at the 40th EZ-7 Turkey Jam;
This is an event that I’ve long admired from a distance, which in my mind’s eye I might have a crack at placing in the geezer division, but would likely slam right out of the gate, and end up icing the inside of my body for the rest of the day with cold Lone Star.
You know who did win the aforementioned division however? Michael from Cockfight, that’s who;
I asked him to please set me up with a link of a video breakdown as soon as one comes available beyond this FB reel, but as of yet I haven’t yet heard a peep.
Rest assured, as soon as I get one, I’ll embed it here.
And for anyone who would care for a super fun history session and overview about the historic spot, I got you here;
In big news (lower case b/all things being relative), for anyone who’s interested, I finally have just gotten the edition of a drawing called ’57 Faces’ I finished a couple of months ago;
As it says in the description, this run was made for me by the fine folks at Candela Fine Art on archival, heavy weight acid free Epson cold press paper, and lands at half the size of the original at right around 16.5″x20.5″.
If you would like one for yourself, I’d sure appreciate it because I’m financially upside down on these, you can find them here.
I certainly can’t remember what episode of Revolting it was, but at one point, Robot posed the following ‘would you rather’, being, would you rather spend a year wearing a cat on your head or pay for everything (also for a year) with loose change?
After that I began to enjoy rendering variations of this concept, (which was also included in ’57 Faces’, as well as the mural project I did at Ritual Records last spring);
Anyway, it was quite at random when I stumbled across the following product a couple of months ago;
Did someone else conjure the same concept at the exact same moment in history that we did?
Sometimes I sure do love how the universe works.
Anyway, speaking of merch, I have just been invoiced by my screen printer for the Hessian Obsession shirts, which I think means they are on the way;
If you ordered one, I have generated the shipping labels, and will get them in the post as soon as I’m able.
And secondly, after years of trying to get a back patch project cooking, I just got samples, and if I do say so, they look real fucking cool;
I have a minor alteration I’d like to apply to the dimensions, (taper them a hair towards the bottom), but after that, they should be good to go.
If you’re interested, keep eyes peeled here.
Now, as the shabby curtain beings to descend on today’s effort, it’s my honor to present the 105th episode of Revolting;
It’s a feel good hit of the season to be sure, and with only one listen, you’ll have the shiniest skis around.
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