Just out here being me.

Well, if the week since we last met wasn’t an unbelievable shitshow, I can’t tell you what was.

For those who have any interest, I’ll get into all the intricacies in whatever episode of Revolting I’ll eventually link at the bottom of today’s post, but the long and the short of it is that once again, I escaped an untimely, and in this case, a potentially fairly gruesome demise yet again. The clouds haven’t fully parted but I’m upright and still breathing, which aint not nothin;

This shot is a few days old when I was in the throes of shit, but things are looking considerably more optimistic now for which I’m thankful.

Speaking of which, I saw master mountain bike/Rock Lobster team cyclocross super star, and pro wrench of all things Shimano, Aaron Bradford the other day just ten months after shoulder checking a tree so hard that he broke his scapula, six ribs, collapsed a lung, as well as a whole lotta other damage;

-and despite all of that, there he was sitting pretty as I’ve ever seen him.

As we hung out in the sun, and he enjoyed a beer, I didn’t get a photo but upon reflection, he was kinda perfectly channeled Wooderson;

You just gotta keep living’, man. L i v i n.

And while we’re on the topic of brushing one’s self off after dancing with gravity, Lower Case reminded me of this clip that I’m sure I’ve posted here before, but is too good not to again;

It’s absolute perfection in concept and execution.

In AHTBM related business news, for the privilege of running my own business, the IRS has once again come along and absolutely fucking annihilated me this year (but at least America’s global campaign of terror is well funded). In light of this, I have two requests. The first is that if you are in the market for what might be among the comfiest socks you’ve ever worn, I am again flush with both sizes of the Black Sole kind;

They are my favorite, and maybe they’ll eventually be your favorite as well.

Secondly, I’m pretty seriously considering selling my beloved camper;

The thing rules, and I will never be able to afford a replacement, but I could use the money, so shoot me a message if you’re in the market.

It comes with a certificate of authentication that I never made a single baby in it.

Moving on, I would like to direct your attention to two recent independent publications I’ve recently added to my collection, the first being a product of Bob Scaled called Hokem;

Bob tapped me to take part in this project, and I in turn tapped Chris McNally, and I’m real happy with the resulting effort of everyone involved.

Secondly, my friend Judd just put a selection of his photos together in an


slick zine called ‘Praying For A Hurricane’;

I’m so proud of my boy, and am thrilled to have this in my collection. Both are currently available for purchase, POBSs’ though his website, and Judd’s for 15 bones via Venmo (@ajudd, for those who are motivated). Don’t forget to include a double checked shipping address so your goods wind up going to the right place. Physical publications are dead. Long live physical publications.

Now in conclusion, and to circle around to the covered topics at the head of today’s effort, it’s my pleasure to present the very brand newest episode of Revolting;

123 episodes. To paraphrase The Thermals, it’s hard to believe we’ve come so far with heads this empty, but if empty heads is who I be, I’ll remain just being me.

Spread this like it's sick

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2 Responses to “Just out here being me.”

  1. Mike P April 16, 2024 at 4:28 pm #

    New Whores album out today FYI.

    • Stevil April 16, 2024 at 10:02 pm #

      I’ve had it on pre-order since it was announced.