What I know, I’m pretty sure I know.

But everything else I’m not so sure.

Hello and good day. Because I have nearly lost all capability in recognizing what month it is, let alone what day it is, last week I sent Sally the following photo and said “I’ve got a plan”, obviously referring to the annual Wizard Staffs Across The Universe celebration;

He replied with something (exactly what, I can’t remember) but whatever it was clued me into the fact that I was a mere four days from the third Saturday of June. I’d been so balled up with the recent show I’d completely forgotten where in this space/time continuum I was.
So, I quickly rehashed an old flyer, and put it on the internet;

Because I made no plan, there was no plan. I figured I’d tape at least two together and go ride my bike. (If I’m honest, the last few years saw a minimal effort on my part), but this year I wizarded before finally disappearing into the darkness and taking a short nap in my studio. There was no fanfare, or chaos. It was a quiet affair for me this year, which was real good. I did my due diligence, and gently put myself back on the wagon.

Several years ago I got confused which day it was (a pitfall of creating a drinking holiday) and I went to Santa Ana to celebrate with my friend Handsome Andrew Kemp and his handsome family and friends. Because there were so many Saturdays in the month of June that year, I inadvertently celebrated on the 4th one. Being committed to tradition, this unfortunately has become when Santa Ana celebrates, so if you missed out last weekend, you can still take part knowing that on some quiet street in Southern California, others are doing the same.

Moving on from binge drinking to BMX bikes, last week Greg the grumpy wizard from Donkelope Bikes asked if I could help him with some photos of his latest creation, to which I gladly said yes.

I’m no photographer, but I do know how to push a button on a camera, and dingdong around a little bit of photoshop adjusting, so that’s what I did, and I’m pretty happy with the result;

I snapped one with a kid boosting some air in the background, which Greg noted “woulda been cool if he was on a BMX bike“, so I dipped into the archives and made an adjustment;

That of course is the esteemed Mike Buff of the BMXA trick team from the infamous photo of him jumping the Duke’s Porsche;

Know your history.

Also, and while were on the subject, this past weekend, I came across this;

Swap out the tires, and the saddle, and ditch the pegs and it’s practically a perfect bike.

I have no business spending money on anything other than food and rent, nor should I spend money on a brand new way of breaking myself off, but holy hell do I want that bike real bad.

Besides, it would be nice to have one to match my jersey and new gloves;

Twelve year old me approves, and sometimes appeasing the twelve year old you is the only you who matters.

Well, them and The OM, anyway;

Illustration by Chris McNally

Moving on from bikes and the like, I’m going to pivot to some art that doesn’t suck from a woman named Karie Jane;

She has no website, and her IG is private, so I’m thinking the only way you can currently see her work is to see her show at Bellingham’s Make.Shift Art Space;

While Karie Jane’s work is entirely its own thing, I was reminded ever so slightly of Margaret Kilgallen who has long been one of my favorites.

If you happen to be in, around or through the region, do yourself a favor and stop in for a look. It’s a feast for both of your eyes, and most all of the brain.

Now, lastly, as I’ve done 131 times before, I’d like to present the 132nd episode of Revolting;

I don’t know a lot, but at least that which I do know, I probably do maybe.

Spread this like it's sick

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4 Responses to “What I know, I’m pretty sure I know.”

  1. Matt June 18, 2024 at 7:16 am #

    That bike that you want real bad would look great in the back of the Fall Guy truck you want real bad

  2. pilder June 18, 2024 at 10:36 am #

    I’m not sure what calendar you and Sally are living in, but it seems to be working out for you. cheers.

  3. Philicious June 18, 2024 at 10:45 am #

    I love the artist who has no website and keeps her sh*t private. F*ck social media.

    If you want to see her work…get off your a$$ and engage with the real world.

  4. meeker dog June 18, 2024 at 2:48 pm #

    Missed WSATU again! LOL at the rate I’m deteriorating ‘Depends Across the Universe ‘is probably more like it! Really liked todays post, Thanks! For what it worth I’ve always thought you took great rock n roll photos. Must be that artist’s eye. Cheers!!