First things before the second things.

Before we get into matters that don’t (I feel like I’ve said that before), have you seen this new series from Thrasher called ‘This Old Ledge‘?

Now, ledge skating isn’t necessarily my favorite to watch, or do, but this series captivated me. Host Ted Barrow is something of a skateboard/architecture/history/socioeconomic buff-come-anthropologist, and I’m here for it.

I’ve reflected on the direction the magazine has gone since previous editor and famed curmudgeon Jake Phelps died in 2019. I’m reasonably sure it’s series like these that are directly influenced by Jake’s replacement, Michael Burnett, and certainly in my aged state, have become far more appealing to me, and I throughly appreciate the effort.

In other news of action sports that kids love, while working at the bar on Friday, a local BMX honch named Eli clued me in on a Shire jam occurring the next day. While it didn’t promise to be as epic as my first, It’s still always fun to watch people do rad shit.

Coincidentally I had two visitors in town so I took Zane and Christina up the hill for a looksee;

Unfortunately shit just started heating up by the time we had to leave, but fingers crossed that we can end up there again at some point at a time when the real dealers do what they do best.

I feel real lucky to have been top there during a few particularly heavy sessions, (most recently when the Fast and Loose crew came through town) and it’s one thing to see that sort of thing in magazines and on video, but to see it in person is another animal altogether;

Rippers gonna rip.

Ok, so now at this juncture, I feel the need to shine a spotlight on artist Shawn Kerri. Anyone who is anyone who is anyone knows Shawn’s artwork from either punk rock flyers, Cartoon’s Magazine, smut mags, or perhaps most likely, the Circle Jerks’ slam dancer;

Well, over the last twenty years there have been rumors swirling regarding her death, some going so far as colleagues claiming they were at her funeral.

The mystery only deepened as the years went by, and they were only confounded by the fact that there seems to be only about three photos of her in existence;

Well, around a year or two ago I came across an IG feed called ‘Friends Of Shawn’ and was stunned to find out that not only was she alive but was in fact somewhat taken aback by her own notoriety. The person who runs the feed makes an effort to celebrate her existence on the regular, and annually puts out a call for cards and gifts to be sent to her for her birthday. It’s just the sweetest and most wholesome thing ever, and an honor to be able to send off a small token of my appreciation to this person who’s provided so much inspiration to me;

So it’s with all of that being said that I wish a very happy birthday to the Queen, and I thank the FOS admin for honoring her existence.

In a round of late breaking news, it was in this recent post I’d described buffing out and tuning up my beloved Blue Collar cross bike after months of neglect.

Well, I’ll be damned if upon swinging by my PO box yesterday, some generous soul didn’t send me a brand new set of WTB Nanos;

I have to say that was a real kind gesture, and offer my sincere thanks to the person for not only sending them, but for picking the black sidewall for me as well, because tan sidewalls look dumb.

But that’s just like, my opinion man.

Lastly, I leave you with the 145th episode of of Revolting;

Now that second things have seconded, I encourage you to, whatever it may be, get on with the third.

Spread this like it's sick

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