A dispatch from the land of night sweats and Mc...
Sitting one week on the other side of surgery, I have a few thoughts. Firstly, pain killers, while excellent at killing pain, can absolutely suck it. They are the devil....
A dispatch from the land of night sweats and Mc...
Sitting one week on the other side of surgery, I have a few thoughts. Firstly, pain killers, while excellent at killing pain, can absolutely suck it. They are the devil....

If we don't meet again.
Not that I expect to die whilst in the midst of getting cut on, but a girl can dream. Now listen- I'm gonna be laid up for a spell. By...
If we don't meet again.
Not that I expect to die whilst in the midst of getting cut on, but a girl can dream. Now listen- I'm gonna be laid up for a spell. By...

One week down, 208 to go.
I'm telling you- I don't know if I'm gonna make it for four years. Any sane person in their right mind with, or without glasses will back me up on this....
One week down, 208 to go.
I'm telling you- I don't know if I'm gonna make it for four years. Any sane person in their right mind with, or without glasses will back me up on this....