The chronicles of eschew.
You know, as I was out and about on a long, head clearing speed cycle jaunt recently I was struck with a thought. Ironically I was simultaneously struck by this thought only seconds after I was also nearly struck by a vehicle. I began thinking about Big Jonny, as I often do even when my well being isn’t being threatened by someone who has better things to do than pay attention to the rest of us existing beyond the ends of their noses, and I thought about his site, and how it’s become a message board of sorts for all notices of any person atop two wheels to be taken out by a car.
.. And I began imagining what it would be like to be run down, and if that were to occur someone might say ‘at least he was doing something that he loved’.. Mind you this all transpires over a matter of seconds..
I began reflecting on that sentiment, and just how much crap it is… I’d like to go on record here and say that if I do ever meet the underside of a vehicle while riding a bike, I would prefer that no one utter those words, because as I see it, what I was doing when I was killed was being hit by a car, and I for damn sure don’t love that.
Is this thought process an indication that I’m spending too much time alone?
As previously reported, GeneO took a tumble.
Lucky for us, he has stayed coherent long enough to shoot us a high five from his hospital bed;
“So I was riding on this trail when all of the sudden this tree reached out and stabbed me with this plastic tube.
I was like WTF?
Then even more weird.. A little brown bottle rolls up and says “Hi! my name is Oxycodone I’m gonna be your new friend!”
The end.”
In my life I’ve heard horrible stories about individuals getting scalpels sewn up inside of them, or even going in for minor surgery, and walking out with one less kidney, but I’ve never heard of anyone getting a buttonhole put in their side before.
The one he has is enough of a terror as it is. God only knows what havoc he will wreak with a second…
I suppose that it’s an appropriate segue to go from this to an article about evolution in action.
It’s just a matter of time before we find ourselves inching down the food chain, and as far as that point goes, Madagascar is well ahead of the curve.
Personally, I’d much rather go to war GeneO’s second bad hole, thankyouverymuch.
At least I know that I’d escape from battle with that with most of my life intact, which is more than could be said for those preparing to engage in the upcoming SSWC in Durango.
Obviously as proven by this shot taken by Devon Balet, the good people behind this year’s fiasco have been hard at work in an attempt to make 2009’s festivities among the most epic yet;
For my part, I unfortunately will be present this year only in spirit, but I trust those in attendance will do what it takes to make up for my absence. Not having a regular paycheck certainly has its downside in that I have to very carefully have to pick and choose my travel plans, and the prize I have my eye on currently is Minneapolis’ epicly fun Homie Fall Fest.
If you know what’s good for you, you’ll be there too.
I’ve gotten a few concerned emails from folks asking me how I’m doing with my newly found freedom, which I certainly appreciate. I know sometimes when an individual is cut loose, a struggle occurs when attempting to figure out their role in the day to day.
Rest assured, I can think of worse ways to spend my time.
At least until I have to come knocking on your doors asking to borrow money, I’m feeling just fine.
In closing, here is one for the ‘what could possibly go wrong?’ file, one for the ‘Damn… What?’ file, and one for the ‘holy hell, WTF’ file;
That’s it for me.
As proven by this shot from Morgan, I’m outta here.
I hope that each of you has a ridiculously fantastic weekend.
That’s a lot of fantasticness.
Loudass Twittered my Facebook wall about your blog, which I downloaded and read on my Kindle, but it was text-only so I used the Internet Wayback Machine to retrieve a cache of this page from 7:53 p.m. tonight, and then I commented “Fyrstur” which is Danish for First.
Welcome back Stevil.
Happy Friday one and all!
I’m going to be suffering in Durango like a two dollar whore on quarter night. I’m worried not so much for the single speed climbing but more for the all that drunken sex with Bob Roll.
Holy Shit, I want a Poodle Tatonka! thanks i spewed my coffee onto the monitor!
Here’s to a good weekend!
What shorts are those? Nevermind the belt.
Damn GeneO, stay out of that plastic tube forest, BRUTAL!
I just saw this dude sittin’ in a picture at your link to the HomieFest writeup, and I was thinkin’… y’know… Slayyyyerrrrrr!
Ahh. HFF. I shall have to make room in my calendar for that this year….
best of luck on a speedy recovery to your friend geno. i have a matching a-hole scar on my left side. the best part was when the surgeon first inserted the tube and all the blood and body cavity puss came shooting out! even in my morphine induced state i shouted out ‘slayer’.
I saw a “I shouldn’t be alive” show where a guy was trapped under a rock in a river bed as it started to rain. He said it always seemed romantic to die out doing what he loved, until the situation was presented, then it didn’t sound so cool.
Then again, the man eating tree of Madagascar doesn’t look so inviting either…
dude, I thought you were running this site
and schleking you old nascar and bud gear, but alas this here site is way more kickasser.
Wow, I am not so sure what is cooler. The badhole on genO, or HFF coming up quickly.
it’s good to be reading your ramblings again! keep em coming
What shorts are those?! Fuck sakes man, where have you been? Buy a pair of Ben Davis pants for $29.99, and cut the legs off. If you prefer a real natty look, have your mom or slam piece hem the ends.
Congrats………I had been very worried and unable to function.
You complete me
Ric Smith
Western Montana
Having watched my brother nearly die after getting run over by a Suburban, and then slowly witness him recover over 12 months, I can attest that it’s not glamorous or even the slightest bit heroic. Wear a helmet and tell your mom you love her.
that my font!
I’ve got to second worldbtm Stevil. My injury was nowhere near as bad as his brother’s or Big Jonny’s, just some plates and screws in an arm, but it still sucks. Man being unemployed where you are has to be a blessing and a curse because while the riding is so epic it is also so a@#fu@#*()&y expensive. When you get some gear up I’ll buy it.
Th’ ol’ man loved flying airplanes, but he wasn’t about to die doing what he loved, nope.
Those poodles make me randy!
Hey! I never said you could use that picture of my dog!
Nope. Seen a friend miss a stop sign and check the oil pan of a taxi. Nothing I would want to do. He didn’t seem to be lovin’ it.
Time to put the cross tire back on the Portland me thinks.
Look like Chrome® short-trousers. I like ’em regardless of they’re origin. How does one ride without junk containment thoguh? Boxers underneath never work for meself.
I crashed last summer riding singletrack full of (apparently) hidden rocks and logs with sticky-bits. Cost me a functional opric nerve. Still didn’t suck as much as Big Jonny, nor GeneO.
Pay atention out there
Ah yes the HFF.
I need to start planning now so I can be there.
One of my only regrets in life was that I didn’t make last years after attending the couple years previous.
Can’t allow that to happen again.
See ya there
the dog is supposed to be a rooster…i just got it.
that’s the kind of dog who needs vindication. Kinda like, their owner dies and no one comes by the house for a few days or week. The dog gets hungry and…well, you know the rest.