*Insert appropriate title here*
Regardless of the fact that these days I’m not ‘punching a clock’ as it were, it still doesn’t mean that I’m not whole heartedly appreciative of weekends, and most especially weekends that are chock full of awesomeinity.
Of course there were Thanksgiving feasts, but besides that, there was sleeping, bike riding, beer drinking, hand slapping (of the Portland High Five variety), sofa sleeping, face kissing, picture drawing, movie watching and so on.
Before I get ahead of myself though, I was fortunate enough to snap off a couple photos of one particular gathering I attended that filled my mouth with a few smiles.
You see, Tina B. and JMac decided to show their friends how thankful they were for them by preparing a metric ton of food, and offering it at the home of a friend while they were out of town, and I got to get in on it.
In no particular order, this is how what went down, did so;
There must have been something exceptionally incredible occurring in the suburbs of the Bay Area, because every jackass who had a drivers license (and I’m sure a few who didn’t) was driving there;
That was no matter for me though, as JMac and I engaged in a relaxing speed cycle athletic pursuit;
Once we returned home, we got cleaned up, began preparing for the onslaught of guests to arrive and listened to a little mood music;
I wasn’t able to completely keep my eye on them but I’m reasonably sure that Chris and Maggie kept their clothes on throughout the duration of the meal;
But just in case, TB was at the ready;
Adjourning to the bar (every home should have one) is naturally when things got loose;
Finally in the wee hours of the morning I fell asleep, while two portraits of the home’s owners watched over me;
That’s just how I roll.
Then as the weekend progressed, what should occur but two separate group rides that met at the devil’s cross road and jointly acknowledged the birthday of Mr. Gill;
Ahh.. I remember when I turned 24..
Among both, the jello shot goodness, and the signed Devo hat amazingness, (yer damn skippy that’s Mark Mothersbaugh’s Handcock up there), there were a few celebrity sightings as well.
Like for instance, my former compatriot in arms, The Skipper;
‘Smiling’ George Hope (pictured here not smiling, on account of because I think we were talking about work.);
Fresh from the Utah hills, Photo John Shafer;
Holly Crap;
And non-afro having Yafro, Danny B, and Devon, among others;
I concluded the day with a rousing version of ‘try and descend faster than Joe Parkin (has nice hair)’, which for me is always a treat.
For a roadie, the guy can ride the holy hell out of a mountain bike.
There was some other stuff that happened over the course of the weekend, but it was more of the same.
Suffice it to say, the fun meter got broken.
Anyhoo, before I pull the plug on Monday, we might as well tip some of the mail bag over.
Zac sent me the kind of email I like. Short, sweet, to the point, and full of construction paper craftiness;
Do not know you outside of the interweb but we have enjoyed your bloggings for a long time now. This was the center piece to our turkey day, it is me driving my wife shooting and all of our dreams coming true.
For all the laughs and tears we are sending you some holiday cheer.”
Watch yourself Zac. I’m a sucker for a girl with a musket.. No matter how small, and two dimensional she is.
Lastly, from my dear friend, The 685, a conversation that in some form or another, I have an intimate understanding of;
And to my own parents, both of whom hold nary a hair of similarity to the depicted, save for the fact that they allowed me to follow which ever path in life I wanted, thank you both and I love you forever.
..And here we go, head first into yet one more week of bringing down THE MAN, feet first.
Hey! You forgot about the Racing. you know dust , sweat, and beers.
golden gate set up on flickr now.
And Thanks for the header shot shout out. S.
I’d trade any/all of my relatives for Tommy Guerrero at my TGIVEZ dinner!
I hope for the sake of everything… you ate too much at those feasts.
After minimal deliberation and based on some personal experiences but no research whatsoever, I concur with your continuing efforts to stick it to The Man and have no legal objections to the plan you voiced, which is clearly within the activities contemplated by the First Amendment, and the “Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness” section of the Declaration of Independence, various questionable provisions of the Mann Act notwithstanding.
As a prudential matter, I suggest you increase the resources devoted to this effort by diverting 25% of the staff now committed to the Clock Punching, Working For a Living, and Gettin’ Shit Done projects to the Stickin’ It To The Man enterprise-wide effort. Staffing in the Partying Down, Gettin’ Our Freak On, and Having More Fun Than A Barrel divisions should remain at current levels, or be augmented slightly in the coming calendar year.
On behalf of the Legal Division, Stickin’ it to The Man Enterprises Inc., thanks for all your good efforts in this important work. Should you need further advice on this topic, I suggest you reach out to my able co-counsel, Loudass, Esq., and obtain his measured and estimable opinion.
Warmest Regards,
Not Counsel
Tommy Guerrero, the Herb Alpert album I used to stare at for hours as a kid because I was sure there was some nipple action somewhere among the whipped cream and SLC punk in the same post! Awesome.
stevil i think you should have a fancy art type opening (with cheese and crackers). and it should be all your pictures of people with cut off heads, closed eyes, and mouths agape.
Utah mohawks are better than average.
“Havard out, University of Utah in”
Hey Stevil,
How come all the cycling chicks you know have cleft chins like Cadel Evans?
Is Chick Estrogen The Secret Cycling Drug???
So, 7 then?
My eyes burned a hole in that album cover when I was a youngster. And as it burst into flames, I thought I saw just a little nipple.
The weekend was also filled with delicious cyclocrossing in Iowa City, where it gets cold, but you dont like cold air, so you werent there, end of comma usage. Bing Bong
Michael Young
xXx Racing – AthletiCo
Jim, I regret to inform you that Stevil has a vast unheated, poorly lit warehouse in the bad part of Santa Cruz, in which he forces dozens of Vietnamese children to make AHTBM coozies, caps and stickers. And then he uses the money to buy assault rifles for people in Rwanda. Ergo, Stevil has become The Man.
Law guys talk pretty.
My estimation of Stevil just leaped 5 or 6 levels, onto the special Boss Level, with your revelation.
Besides, he can’t be The Man if he’s got a sweatshop in Santa Cruz. Certainly, that sweatshop is actually a hippie commmune, perhaps peopled by youthful Vietnamese hippies, but still a commune. Really, is there any other kind of dwelling in Santa Cruz? Yes, my right wing ass loves Santa Cruz. Always has since I saw a smoking hot postman who was actually a Postchick wearing short shorts, half of both moons hanging out, postal shirt tied up Daisy Duke halter-style, rather gloriously braless, delivering the mail. It was like an 80’s glam rock video, only much better due to the nexus with Real Life.
Stoned-ass hippies are lunatics, and they smell really funny, but sometimes they get it right.
Um, Stevil too.
i ove how all da fashionable ppl are being kept down from the fashion. sitting, leaning, supported, by something other than themselves. fashion is so heavy these days. heavy man, heavy.