Getting rad is rad.
Steve sent this clip to me Wednesday morning, and for that, I thank him.
Due to a bit of a cluster of a schedule, Friday’s post wont be happening this week, so I wish you all well, and if you are in the Bay Area, please come by for the Bike Snob’s book party.
Assuming the kits arrive today, I will be bringing those for anyone in the greater Bay Area to hand off in person.
If they don’t show up, then it will just be me and an empty bag. Either way, we will have a fine time.
If a random link is what you desire, then from Newt, I offer you This bit of complete awesomeness.
Except for the puppy part. That part was sad.
Now get back to our regularly scheduled program.
Over and out peeps. Until we cross paths again.
uberawesomeness abounds, the rad is strong on june 16