I’ll echo Teamfubar’s sentiment: ball-racking good fun. An empty spool of thread, twelve bong hits later, a sport is born. At first I thought this was about a bongo drum troop. Every other similar sport (skateboarding, BMX, hell, even in-line skating) uses something you can actually get from point A to point B on. The thing is, as you note Stevil: if this were a parody it wouldn’t even be funny. But now it is.
I’ve never seen such a display of coordination that I hated so much. And not just any hate, an immediate and visceral one that comes from where my heart used to be.
Its sad that a once mighty race has come to this. But since anything goes these days, anyone for extreme shitting?
My Raisin Bran definitely didn’t have enough acid on it this morning to comprehend that clip.
My favorite trick is the double ollie kick flip to the nut smasher sit down.
That makes me mad that I even suck at sitting.
Just in case you want the extended cut (along with slower and even more boring tricks).
I’ll echo Teamfubar’s sentiment: ball-racking good fun. An empty spool of thread, twelve bong hits later, a sport is born. At first I thought this was about a bongo drum troop. Every other similar sport (skateboarding, BMX, hell, even in-line skating) uses something you can actually get from point A to point B on. The thing is, as you note Stevil: if this were a parody it wouldn’t even be funny. But now it is.
I’ve never seen such a display of coordination that I hated so much. And not just any hate, an immediate and visceral one that comes from where my heart used to be.
Along with crunkcore, this is one of those youth interests that really makes me feel awesome about being 41.
Normally, when I masturbate, I just use my hand. It’s great to see so much effort put into something as innane as that while the world burns.
waiting for a 29(hock)er
Every morning, dude; every morning.
I guess it’s true what they say: the Germans really are assholes.
I guess that, at its worst, it’s really silly. And at its very best, at least they are not just playing a video game of it yet.
So, wait. An ‘extreme sport’ that, when not performed correctly, involves traumatic blows to the taint, almost exclusively? Sign me up!!
Why would you do another group of useless movements or tricks after you successfully landed your first one and are now SITTING.