Blackout with your sack out.
In support of yesterday’s internet blackout, I did my part;
So did we win the internet war?
I’ll tell you one thing I did win… It was the battle of ludditedom. While people were nit picking about ‘SOPA’ this and ‘PIPA’ that, I hid away in the sterile and quiet confines of a Copymat and finally got done with the first ever issue of the All Hail The Black Market fanzine;
See, fanzines, or ‘zines as they have sometimes been called, is what people used to call blogs, back before glowing naked lady boxes lived in every home.
When I was thirteen I made my first zine called ‘Shred Sheet’, or ‘Street Shredder’ or maybe ‘Street Shredder Sheet’. Whatever the case, it sucked. Many years later once I was in college I made several issues of a ‘zine called ‘Get Off My Wagon’, which made way for a few more called ‘A Beggar’s Answer To A Question Posed’.
After a couple years of messengering, and filling sketchbooks while on-call, I came to have nightly access to a Xerox machine (or it could have been a Cannon). It was then that I made a micro-comic called ‘OISMFIMA’ . I eventually got tired of that and another decade passed before I started doing one called ‘Sideshow’;
For the last year I’ve been stewing about how to make a web log based zine, and it was Wednesday morning when I realized I’d been over thinking it. I lifted some old content, made some copies out of some sketchbooks and printed out random samples of clipart.
Voilà, a new member of my mediocre fanzine family was born.
If you are one of fifty five people who would like to get one of these, prepare to be dazzled. I can almost promise I will also include an autographed photo of me, or a sticker, or absolutely nothing at all.
Here is to sticking it to The Man, one Xerox at a time.
Ummm… yeah.
I’ll wait till it’s available on my e-reader.
i went for it. i used to put out something called volkscycle here in stinky georgia. i figure its like stevil is playing music on the sidewalk, and i give him money because i wish i was playing music on the sidewalk. even if i was going to suck at it. which i did, and i would.
I love the original form of underground thought. I’l take one for sure.
To be truley artisanal a memiogragh machine should have been used for authenticity, either that or Scribing Monks
dammit. I knew I should’ve asked for one. I really missed the bus here.
2 regrets:
1) giving my extensive zines collection away when I moved in with a now ex girlfriend who said there was no more room for all my stuff
2) missing the boat on this one
Dang, I’m now really regretting the job that doesn’t let me surf the nets all day and pick up a great opportunity such as this.
can i geta copy pleeze?