Buckle up.
We’re in for another potentially bumpy ride.
Firstly, and in businessie news- I haven’t made mention recently that I still have a selection of both the EVIL patch, as well as the AHTBM Metal Patch;
Please feel free to order yourself up one or two, or even an additional one or two for someone you don’t like very much.
And speaking of that particular graphic… It’s been included recently in a project I’ve collaborated on with a person named Christopher Friedman.
You might not know his name, but it would be nearly impossible for you to not know his work;
So as to not jinx it, I don’t want to go into too much detail as to what we’ve got cooking, but suffice to say, it’s about 75% ready to go, and it’s gonna be amazing;
Based on the tease, I reckon it’s not too difficult to figure out what we’re doing, but for now, that’s all I’m gonna say.
In news of bikecycle related athletic pursuits, the forever body hair obsessed Yuri made contact with a bit of information regarding his Bantam Classic;
“You hear that?
That’s the sound of the 3rd annual Bantam Classic, which is right around the corner, so I wanted to give you the registration link. Please share this with other like minded individuals because I know that I have, MOST DEFINITELY, forgotten people.
Being that I’m tech challenged, please let me know if you have any issues with the registration form.
Do your best to sign up as quickly as possible as I’m hoping to get my t-shirt order in by the 2nd week of February.
I’m really hoping that you can make it this year. Big shout out to Lagunitas for hosting us again, GU Energy Labs for their product support and Fork Catering for fueling our post ride feast.
That all sounds well and good and everything, but I feel like I’d be more partial to a Batman Classic;
You know…. ‘Cause I’m a nerd.
It alway has looked like a pretty good time. At least based on the clips and snippets I’ve seen ion the inter webs. Like for instance, this video from 2013;
But if this guy shows up?
Everybody’s going to detention.
Now then- Since penning my ode to rollerboarding, a number of people have some out of the woodwork in support and agreement. One of said individuals is Ken, and his submission for consideration;
Indeed, I concur.
OMG. 9 to 5 goofy foot over regular. I finally feel exonerated. Keep on pushin.
“Mmmmmm… Tiger…” (Said in a spot on Homer Simpson voice)
Can’t freaking wait.
that video is great, the teaser is great, but just remember, Hollywood Hates You….
great video. i’m starting to think about coming out of the woodwork myself but i know i’ll just dig up memories of how badly i sucked when i was 15. i assume you know about skateistan?
I do, and it’s amazing.
Goddamn what a great video. Never a skater myself aside from when my brother bought me a longboard and I promptly separated my ankle but it makes me stoked to be outdoors in the city on a bike all the same.
Turning the Dial on the Stoke meter,,
any fatties doing the Bantam classic?
I have to imagine there will be a couple.
the videos make it look like a bad fit for me… the bottomless beers sound right though…