The Great Hot Dog Challenge is upon us.
It was in this post a couple of weeks ago when I decided it was time for a contest.
The challenge was to take the hotdog depicted above (or any others that readers might be more keen to), and insert them in an image of their choice.
I received such an array of samples that I’m unable to decide who should take home the gold. (Said ‘gold’ being a box full of AHTBM goods, and stuff sitting in my office.)
All you need to do is this- Get your pencils sharpened, make a note, and vote for the one you like the best, (there’s a poll plug-in thing that Caroline The Web Maven put together down at the bottom of today’s post), and I’ll tally the votes by Friday. I’ll then contact the winner to get a shipping address to which I will send said box of crap.
Ready? Then here we go.
1) James (whose image inspired this ridiculousness to begin with);
2) Max;
3) Josè;
4) Jeff;
5) Rich;
6) Hagen;
7) James;
8) Brett;
9) Chris;
10) Spencer;
11) Tread;
12) Madi;
13) Kiyoshi;
14) Dave;
15) Chris;
16) Steve;
17) Alan;
18) Caroline;
19) Sally;
20) Chad;
And finally- even though I’m not eligible, I decided to throw my own image into the mix;
So there you have what I think are all of them. You have until 11:59 pm Thursday the 3rd to get your vote submitted. I’ll put those up against my favorite, and pop them all in the Bat Computer® to see which ends up taking home the loot.
Thanks to everyone who submitted, and may the best man or woman win.
So much talent, so many dogs. There was one clear standout though, the one that had me guffawing aloud, and it seems others agreed.
My heart (burn) says 3b, but my belly (ache) says 7a.
Fucking Brilliant!
8a, cause ‘murica.
all i learned from this experience is that i don’t know fuck-all about photoshop. i tried to replace the shock on the latest bullshit from Specialized with a hot dog…
This is hi-lar-ious!!! It made my morning and now I want a weenie.
You have an office?!?
Even though I entered and should be voting for myself (14), Steve at number 16 gets my vote. I legit giggled out loud while I was browsing this from the restroom at work this morning. Well done Steve.
So may dogs, so little time to digest and vote.
I hope you put a hotdog with all the fixings into the winner’s box. That would be cool!
The wizard staff of dogs… very well done.
And the Tour photo… the condiments replacing the water bottles. Zinger!
#6. Duggar
WOW! 3 votes? you guys are way too generous. Really exceeding my expectations here.
Well, I was having a shitty day. And now the Coltrane one is the background on my computer.
Jeff’s is completely goddamnfucking brilliant. To me, he won. Jeff: hit me or Stevil with an address & I’ll send you a Death Touch sticker pack or two.
333 votes with 10 minutes to go. You’re still half short of an officially definitive number of votes. REDO.