A treasure chest of treasures.

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In the time since I’ve been jibberjabbering about all things relating to eOtter- A Celebration Of The Bike Industry Patting Its Own Back, I have amassed a collection of virtual goods which I am of the opinion this audience will be mostly, partially appreciative of.

You like stuff and things? I have that by the acre, bolt, and gross today.

Kicking things off, I posted this in another couple of channels last week, but feel compelled to get it up (as it were) right here, front and center.

This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen;

It’s a feel good hit of the season.

And simply due to the fact that that video had an abundance of it, while rain is fresh on our minds, Jeff from All City Bikecycles made with the contact regarding a Pacific Northwest demo tour he’s currently embroiled in;
If any of those dates match up with your schedule and/or location, do what you have to to go and check them out.

I realize Seattle occurred yesterday, but I’m nothing of not on my game.

*Clearly I’m not on my game as it was just pointed out to me that today is in fact the 25th.

Anyway, speaking of Seattle, I will be darkening that particular city’s door my own self this coming week, so I will have no Friday or Monday post but will resume a regular schedule on Wednesday, May 4th.

If you like apples, then you might like those.

I have no excuse for my trip there aside from the fact that since I was basically bed-ridden for all of 2015, I barely had any opportunity at all to make horrible decisions resulting soul-crushing regret. Seattle seemed like a good place to start in making up for lost time.

And though the following bit of news relates to neither horrible decisions or soul crushing regret, I would like to notify any or all who might be interested that after sixteen long years, I’m finally letting go of my beloved truck;
IMG_6514 (1)
It needs some work and I don’t have the time or energy to give it what it needs.

In the years that I’ve owned it, and even before when it belonged to Blue Collar Bikes boss Robert, I’ve had some super fun adventures in that truck, and would love for it to go to a good home. If you or someone you know might be of interest, get in touch.

Alas, I spent all of the money I had and a little bit that I did not last week on a brand new (to me) version of my old truck. I knew I wanted a Toyota because they seem to run forever, and ever since I was a little kid, I thought they looked awesome;
Marty McFly even knew what was good;
I hemmed and I hawed, and was ultimately able to track down a 2001 Tacoma for myself, which I’m feeling pretty good about, and that looks nothing like this;
Ultimately what sold me on this specific model however was the design of its water pump gasket;
Anyway, now that I’m mobile again, if anybody needs a sofa moved, don’t hesitate to ask.

Now then, because this isn’t some dumb car forum, but an exciting bike and bike related stuff website, we’ll now transition into a correspondence from Young Carl regarding a pretty badass new venture he’s got cooking;


I was wondering if you could share a little venture I’m starting with your fans. It’s called Onion Velo, and it’s a mobile bike repair shop/guided bicycle tours all rolled into one;
Right now we are focusing on the guided tour/outfitters side of things while I get the mobile repair van up and running. Check out the website, it’s got a more detailed description of trips, etc on there. It’s something I’ve been doing on the slide for a while, but this is sort of the official launch. Hope you’re well!


Young Carl’s shown up on this site a time or two previously, when he relocated to the Bay Area from Lincoln. He’s since returned to L-Town, and it would seem as though in that time he’s found a whole lot of amazing inspiration.

I wish him well in his new venture and look forward to seeing how it develops.

Finally, before I go, I’ll make mention of two things regarding AHTBM goods of the soft kind.

The first being that today is the very final day, ifin you’d like to get in on the current shirt of the month offering;
cautionary tale
If you’d like to get an order in for one of your own, alls you gotta do is go here, place an order, and wait a couple weeks.

Secondly, I’d like to mention that I finally got my act together and made a new batch of wristbands in tribute to Olympia Beer for simply being an awesome and supportive company;
*Lego Amigo not included.

I expect to be hearing from their lawyers any day now.

I’ll gladly pay them any royalties they see fit from my own personal pile of treasures.

Spread this like it's sick

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5 Responses to “A treasure chest of treasures.”

  1. Mike P April 25, 2016 at 7:17 am #

    The Bandit gets a new Firebird.

  2. MoThra April 25, 2016 at 10:58 am #

    Don’t forget the Monster Energy decal for the rear window of your new bro’dozer

  3. Scobernicus April 25, 2016 at 12:57 pm #

    Lego Amigo? Sounds like the catch phrase to a toaster-waffle advert.

  4. Ian April 25, 2016 at 2:15 pm #

    Funny, I have a 2002 Tacoma that’s spewing coolant out of the water pump, I’ll be needing one of those seals!

  5. trama April 25, 2016 at 3:08 pm #

    You will regret getting rid of your little truck. I too, now have a 2002, and as nice as airbags are, and as nice as it is to have everything pretty much working all the time, and actually almost being able to cruise at the speed limit (albeit downhill with a tailwind), you will regret not having your little truck. That is all.