Here we go again…

So here I am with a couple of days in Colorado under my belt, and at least as many airplane drawings;

But it’s time to put my pencils away and bring out the naked lady box to get some actual work done.

Remember the last (and only) time I wrote a post in a cafe?

As fate would have it, not only am I in the same cafe, but I’m in the same seat, because I’m nothing if not a creature of habit.

Firstly, I guess I should apologize for half-assing it on Wednesday. Though I was kinda joshing about living in the bus, I am in a place where the internet doesn’t exactly lend to rapid fire photo uploading, and because it periodically cuts out, I figured I’d just chill a day and wait until I got back into civilization.

For those just tuning in, I’m not at the Handmade show, because as I said a couple weeks ago, screw traveling any more than a short bike ride/train trip/drive to go to that. I feel the same way about that particular show as I do Burning Man. If I could teletransport into the event for a couple of hours, and then bounce back to the sanity of my own isolated existence, I would do it, but actually getting on a plane, or investing hours in a car to get there is not a thing that appeals to me in the least.

Where I actually am is back in my home of Colorado’s Front Range, and in the loving arms of Joe and Laura from Soulrun. The point of the trip was mostly just to get a break from the muddy hell that is my life back home. Thankfully my hosts have all of the accommodations one could hope for;

Beyond doing some Olympic level snuggling, and visiting the original Surlywrench himself, Jimbo at Vecchio’s Cyclery;

-what I’m actually doing here so far are all of the most Colorado things ever.

Except for smoking weed, and taking cyclocross seriously, and listening to Big Head Todd and The Monsters.

I guess I take it back… I’m not doing all of the most Colorado things, but I did at least skedaddle and engage in one of the most Colorado with these two ladies, who despite their absolute lack of trying to do so, kicked the ever-loving crap out of me on a fat bike ride;

For the ride, Joe graciously loaned me this beaut;

Which I rode for a little while before getting a nose bleed;

Though I have ridden 29 plus bikes a little bit in the past, (most recently in Portland), I’ve never ridden a fat bike before, and I haven’t ridden in the snow since I was 13, so this was all a brand new experience for me. Once I got used to riding while wearing more clothes than I’ve had on at one time in over two decades, the twitchy nature of the snow, and aside from this instance;

-that I probably wasn’t going to see much of my riding partners aside from their backsides, I actually began having a pretty good time;

I should note that this is the only photo of me either riding a fat bike, or smiling in existence.

Doing both things at the same time was a first.

Based on a rudimentary internet search, I came to find out that the fat biking trend is dead, so I guess it was appropriate that I should start doing it now.

Staying true to Colorado things would have meant at the conclusion of our ride we would have drank canned microbrew beer that tasted like carbonated farts, and talked about how awesome fat biking is, but we did neither. For my part, I’ll leave those things to the truly dedicated.

I am but a weekend warrior, and a weekend warrior I will gladly stay.

Because it’s actually taken a ridiculous amount of time to even write this much of today’s post, I believe the cafe staff are beginning to think I’m just pretending to work, am taking advantage of whatever free refills I can, and as such, are giving me the evil eye.

However, based on the number of other people sitting around me doing the exact same thing, I suspect this might need to be added to my list of the most Colorado things ever.

Spread this like it's sick

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9 Responses to “Here we go again…”

  1. JB March 10, 2017 at 5:43 am #

    This came up in my Big Head Todd Google alert but I was very disappointed.

    • Marc March 10, 2017 at 6:53 am #

      Thanks for the out loud laugh.

  2. Largo March 10, 2017 at 6:17 am #

    A PW spoke threader, oohhhhhhh, covet.
    I’m a details guy.

  3. scott March 10, 2017 at 6:47 am #

    You mean eat weed, or vape weed or maybe drip weed into your eyeballs but nobody smokes weed in Colorado anymore.

  4. Smithhammer March 10, 2017 at 8:16 am #

    All fully deserved shit-giving aside, that Frosthammer is the fucking bomb. Now that fat biking is dead, I’m hoping I can find one for less than $8k.

    The preponderance of weed in Coloradistan is the only thing that can explain Big Head Todd and his band of merry Monsters…

  5. Rick March 10, 2017 at 1:05 pm #

    I hope the Moots is named after the High on Fire song…

  6. Eric March 12, 2017 at 9:29 am #

    You can’t begin to know how disappointed I am that you even mentioned Big Head Todd and the Monsters in a post.

    For shame….

    • Stevil March 12, 2017 at 3:35 pm #

      Fucking guy has been haunting me for thirty years. What was I supposed to do?

  7. meli March 19, 2017 at 2:32 pm #

    you are a gem señor stevil esmiling =]