Tuesdays are for lovers, concluded.

As the dust settles from last week’s post detailing most of the ins and outs of the recent bicycle show, it occurs to me that I have a few remaining scraps to dole out for consideration.

Before we get into anything however, Micky recently brought some news to my attention that I would like to share here.

Apparently some mountain bikers from my home region are incredibly fucking lazy.

A chairlift?

In Conifer?

And a 300 car parking lot?

Dear Phil and Jason, GTFO of here with that garbage.

Not that my opinion matters, but I hope I’ve made my position perfectly clear, and I thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.

Having addressed that, when last we were together, I was discussing all things Made. In an attempt at concluding the experience, I’d like to now shine a light on a thing that happened at the show that I thought was just about as cool as anything else I saw or heard about. If memory serves, Sean Walling (formerly of Soulcraft Bicycles) found a bike he built in 2001 on Craigslist, and very happily swooped on it.

Though I wasn’t present, thankfully Hurl was, and snapped photos of the bike and said reunion;

I love stories with happy endings.

Anyway, on my last day in town, I swung by to have lunch with Hurl;

-and do a little hand slapping with Tony;

That night, I stayed at Amanda’s house. CD came over for the evening, and together, the three of us solved some of the world’s problems with quickness;

I would like to note that CD didn’t drink but a couple of those beers, nor was he drunk in any way. It’s just the best photo I have of him.

So it was early the next morning when I woke up, and charged back across town to meet up with DWP;

Who you might recognize from his other appearances on this site, most notably our MSOJ death march;

We’ve known each other for many years, and sometimes love and hate each other at the same time.

So I beat feet out of there, spent five hours driving in the rain, and returned home with a full heart and the stories I’ve told. I look forward to next year, and the opportunity to possibly spend more than a few hours looking at stuff.

Now then, I suppose I should take the opportunity to talk about a couple of business-types of items I’ve got bumping around in these parts.

A couple of weeks ago I came across a new shirt design that an artist named Haryo Awonggo did a design for an upcoming O Zorn! shirt, that spoke to me in volume;

I asked Bill if I could poach him, and immediately reached out with a project I’ve tried with multiple designers to pull off.

With five seconds to burn I banged out this drawing, and let him have at it;

In about six days, this is what he came back at me with;

I’ve submitted this design for production, and will hopefully have at least a couple of offerings in the store soon.

Moving on to a bit of info from ye olde mail bag, I got a communication from either Sarah, Ivan, David, or perhaps all three regarding a Bay Area hoedown that they’re about to throw down;


I’ve been reading this blog for a long time.

Curious if you could mention a swap meet at a Bay Area nonprofit at which I volunteer, the Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange. We’ve got 9 benches based on your 3/18/16 post and an Everything Can Be Fixed With A Hammer sticker up on a wall if that’s worth anything.

BikeX will be hosting a bike swap and sale on Sunday, September 17! Save the date!;

When: September 17, 2023, Sunday, 9am to 1pm (no early entry for buyers)
Where: 3961 East Bayshore Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94040 (our entrance faces Corporation Way)
What: Private sellers selling bike parts and bikes, plus bikes, limited parts and refreshments on offer from BikeX
Cost: $40 for sellers, $5 (cash) for buyers (proceeds support our nonprofit and our bike donations!)

So there you go. If you live in the Bay, make note, get there, and and either buy or sell a bunch of treasures you likely don’t need.

Finally, as I often do, I will close out today’s post with the 94th episode of Revolting;

Unlike today’s post, it’ll leave you feeling both smarter, (though most importantly), wholly loved.

Spread this like it's sick

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One Response to “Tuesdays are for lovers, concluded.”

  1. griffin September 13, 2023 at 11:12 am #

    GOOD LORD on low!

    That Tee Graphic is tasty.

    It’s tickling my wanting button.