Getting to work.


Hello beautiful people. It’s me, your host Stevil coming at you as I regularly do at the head of the week to foist upon your unwitting heads the schlock and blah you’ve so become accustomed to.

Firstly, and easily most importantly, it was at some point last week when I officially launched the pre-order for my new shirt;

I’ll have a back patch available for pre-order eventually as well, but first things first.

If you’d like one, order it up now, or order it up later, but if you want XS, or XXL, you’d best get on the pre-order because I will not be keeping those in stock.

As a matter of fact, due to financial destitution, I very likely won’t be doing many of these beyond the pre-order, so if you want one now, get one now.

I promise if you come at me after the order is complete, I will very likely heckle you into dust. I don’t want to, but I will because it’s my nature.

In other news, doing this;

– and also doing this;

is still among the funnest things a person can do in the woods.

I mean, beside having annomyous Craigslist sex or whatever.

Very quickly, I would like to mention the passing of of Harry Woo;

If you were a messenger in San Francisco through the ’80s, ’90s, or 2000s, you crossed paths with Harv.

Dude was truly a fixture, and his departure will most certainly leave a hole which likely will never be filled.

Moving on… It’s a pretty good bet that Robot and I will both choose the following album as next week’s ‘music pick of the week’, but ahead of schedule, I’m gonna say that the new ’68 is a real banger;

Oh man, I love it so much.

And speaking of Revolting, how about a brand new episode for your consideration?;

It was requested by a listener that we get into stuff we don’t like, so that’s what we did. It took us some time to get momentum built up, but man, as best we could, we diligently expounded on tons of stuff we dislike, and by about the 45th minute we were really cooking with daddy.

And that my friends, (without the use of hardly any child labor) is how work is done.

Spread this like it's sick

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