We’re all just dancing on the ceiling.

After having watched this video for the first time in a long time, I realize there’s no cocaine like ’80s cocaine.

No then, lets get on with what’s good, bad, and whatever’s in-between.

Firstly, after actual years of pestering Dave is finally finishing up a new batch of AHTBM cycling caps;

I don’t know when I’ll have them, or how many they’ll be. I do know that they’ll be as awesome as they ever were, and will likely not last too long in the store;

If this is a thing that might strike your fancy, keep your eyes peeled.

And speaking of things that might strike your fancy, perhaps you’d like a real-life sampling of art that doesn’t suck from the hands of my dear homie Jason Jagel, and his upcoming show at the Michael Benevento Gallery in LA;

Unfortunately the reception was this past Saturday (three days ago as of this posting), but the installation will be up until October 19th, so get cracking or forever hold your pee.

Moving on from that to other things, have any of yinzers come across Closer Magazine? It’s a real good one for those among us who are A) old, and B) have a critical eye for aesthetics and solid writing.

They also from time too time will produce some video gold like the following example featuring San Jose’s favorite son, Jason ‘The Kid’ Adams;

Kevin Wilkins did an interview with him several years ago in which he said something along the lines of “I thought I was 25 until about five years ago“, and almost nothing has ever resonated with me so loudly.

Despite the fact that we generally lived all of our lives in the same region, we never officially met until last year. The adage goers that one should never meet their heroes, and while it’s hard to categorize other skateboarders as heroes per se, a number of them are folks I admire, and without exception, I’ve never been disappointed.

And speaking of skateboards, to date I’ve released five under the AHTBM banner;

-with a sixth that’s long been waiting in the wings. The last few years wood hasn’t been moving for anybody, and I was reluctant to put another deck out for fear of sitting on a pile of those as well, but the company I’ve historically used for most of my manufacturing just last week introduced a new shape, which has me feeling inspired;

I have to reformat the artwork a little bit, and admittedly, I would liked like the punk point to be slightly punker, but in as far as preferred dimensions and geometry, this one gets my heart all squishy.

Thankfully the company has changed their minimums so I’m not required to sit on a hundred or two decks at a time.

As always, money is an issue so time will tell, but I’m feeling pretty good about the notion. If this speaks to you, keep tuned in and you’ll be falling down in a parking lot/stabbing the shit out of your ankles/the ankles of your friends in no time.

So I’m a bit perplexed this year, as every one for the last five or so I’ve taken myself to San Diego to see the greatest rock and roll band in the land;

This year might be the exception as I am just about as broke as Ive been in the last few years. Doing stupid shit like paying money for a custom made Halloween costume (it’s not that much, but it’s more than I have for such absurdity) certainly doesn’t help my situation.

Then again, we’re all dead and none of this is real so I might as well;

So if you were me, would you forgo a month’s worth of groceries just to travel to the Whale’s Vagina in order shake thine ass properly?

In conclusion, how’s listening to the new episode of Revolting grab you?

Well, then there you go.

Oh, what a feeling.

Spread this like it's sick

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