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He had a dream.

It’s not often that I acknowledge mainstream holidays, as I prefer to celebrate more eclectic occasions such as the day D.B. Cooper highjacked an airplane, and with a suitcase full of money, jumped out into Oregon’s night sky never to be seen again (Nov. 24th, 1971). Or the date that ‘Smokey and The Bandit’ hit the theaters (May 27th, 1977). However I feel the need to tip a hat to Dr. Martin Luther King on his day and say “I think we could have totally partied together.”


Everybody needs to clean house sometimes.

Wednesday’s post was fairly cathartic for me, as tidying up either around your physical home or your virtual home is never a bad thing. I would like to also add that if my inbox were a garage, with the exception of the fact that in the corner there is a blow up doll wearing a chicken bucket on her head, it would now look something like this;


I’m a liar.

At the conclusion of Monday’s post I’d mentioned that I had incriminating photos of Ruth Buzzi. That was totally false, and I was so high on Spencer’s love that I made the part up about the monkey and the fly friendship video too. Lucky for me though, I can rely on my ever increasingly mediocre photoshop skills to at least provide a near facsimile of the former;


The day the Earth stood still.

It was as if a storm of designer clothing and extraordinarily expensive colognes blew into town on the day that I met with Spencer Canon, owner and director of the Ritte Van Vlaanderen bicycle company and race team.

Undeterred by his obvious economic status however, I introduced myself, shook his hand, opened up my note pad, scratched my lower back, licked the tip of my pencil, sat down, remembered I had my tape recorder in my pocket, stood up again, pulled it out, sat back down, put it on the table and hit record.
For the most part, the following is what transpired;