I’m a self destruction hobbiest.

Two for the weekend from Matt and Peter.

The first video killed my faith in humanity.

Course and awesome language dead ahead.

*SNAP”* “Yeah you ugly monkey. Go climb on a- up a -another tree and jump off on the other… On the other side.

And the second one restored it.

Giving thanks.

In light of the recent holiday that just passed, I would like to start today’s effort by expressing my thanks to the literally ten readers that frequent this site as well as the advertisers who pay exorbitant fees for their banner ads. Without you all and them, I would be in a much smaller van even closer to the river;


From our home to yours…

It is with all sincerity that Demonika, Buddy and I wish you and yours a very happy and safe Thanksgiving weekend.

If you need us, we’ll be in bed eating giant novelty croissants, fondüe and getting blasted on Ouzo.