I’m a self destruction hobbiest.

Brand new All Hail The Black Market kits.

I interrupt this mid-week’s regularly scheduled post for an announcement.
I have some new skins coming down the pipe, the price breakdown for which is as follows;
$70.00 for a short sleeved jersey (club and race raglan)
$65.00 for a vest
$107.00 for a short sleeved skinsuit
$78.00 for a men’s or women’s short
$88.00 for a men’s or women’s bib
$90.00 for a long sleeved jersey (club and race raglan)
$90.00 for a jacket
$127.00 for a long sleeved skinsuit
$35.00 for arm warmers (one red, one grey)
You wanna know how you get these? Go here, log in, place the order, pour yourself a glass of juice, cheers your dog’s or cat’s collar, step on safe with the knowledge that you are soon gonna be way more good looking.

A tale about a place and some things, part one.

Since my return from this past weekend’s Oregon Manifest show, my brain has been awash in the sights and sounds of a bicycleboozefueledstripperladenandfriendlyfaceexplosion train wreck.
This is an image of a simple, white square, because any other attempts to create or provide an illustration of a bicycleboozefueledstripperladenandfriendlyfaceexplosion train wreck proved to be unsuccessful.


What happened in Vegas stayed there, part one.

Except for the physical maladies that are a result of drinking too much and sleeping too little, not to mention the general state of self loathing that develops when there..
As usual, those returned home with me.
My deathbed is little more than a pile of pillows in front of the television, next to a bag of peanuts.


A year old one for the weekend.

I don’t care. I still love it muchly.
Just touching down after three days in Nevada’s dry air. It was a total shitshow, but you knew that.
A full report is in the works.