McJunkins for everybody.

‘A steady diet of nothing.’

It seems like only days ago since we were last in one another’s loving embrace and due to the fact that I was such a neglectful mate last week, I’m going to try and serve a double does for today. Starting off, we’ll get right down to business with the most recent offering from our pals at Ritte;


Digital vomit.

Before I get down to business, I should mention that the newest AHTBM product has finally rolled off the assembly line;


A fatback log and other random musings.

We will kick off today’s post with an email from Cory. Cory makes Dank messengers bags as well as astroturf cüzies, cüzies for 40s, and of course my beloved ‘Beernet helmet’, depicted below resting atop the head of one M. Case;


Dirt, ho.

You know.. Like “dirt ahead”.. Not like a misspelled “dirt whore” although I suppose that would be applicable as well.