“Persuaded, paraded, inebriated, and down.”

As I dig out of underneath a pile of mail bag mail bombs, I’m going to continue to shake the sheets and clean out the old inbox.

First up, if at any point you might have ever called Santa Cruz Bicycles to discuss warranty issues, the friendly voice on the other end of the line is a fellow who goes by the name Willie K. Bullion. I’ve known Willie for years and has a history in the bike industry that goes back to the days of the original Bontrager imprint. Furthermore, many might remember his chiseled mug being one of the two stuntmen from the old Bike Magazine ‘Beer Foam Shootout’ article. Well, it seems as though Willie finally settled down and knocked up his long time girlfriend resulting in a little one who will assuredly one day rule the world aboard his own two wheeler;

To Willie and his lady love I offer my own heart felt congratulations on their new little bundle of terror.

In news only barely relating to bespectacled babies, Andrew came through with the following link that might be good for at least a chuckle or two;

Ghetto Hikes.


Ahhh… From the mouths of babes.

So on the one hand we have inner city kids having their horizons expanded by the great outdoors, and then on the other hand we have the following link sent to be by none other than Pentabike Dave;


I may have found one of the coolest things on the web?


As the article states, it takes a bit of time for the player to load, but is definitely worth the wait.

My mind was blown at the Eiffel Tower. All of the rest of their project was lost on my painfully simple brain.

As we broach a topic relating to the bicycle world, I recently came across a press release from the most recent Quality Bicycle Parts openhouse, known the world over as ‘Frost Bike’;

The Man sticking it to THE MAN.

Say what you will about Quality, but at least in as far as this topic is concerned, they have made strides to keep things healthy and efficient for not only their dealers, but for the consumer as well.

Let’s hear it for the big guy looking out for themselves, and in turn looking out for the little guy.

As I perused the web Monday, I came across this gem, which may or may not have already made the rounds, but is worth posting just the same;

Do you hear that? That’s the sound of me quitting bikes again.

Real quick, as I’m fine tuning the new site’s knobs, Jeff got in touch to let me know that there was something amiss with the RSS feed. For the geeks in the bunch who are tuned into that sort of this, the new RSS feed can be found here.

Back to, and further down in the bag of mail, Hugga Potato from the renowned Cars-R-Coffins empire arrived to the party dressed in his Sunday’s best;

“Hello Stevil,

I am your biggest fan. Your blogzine is a daily inspiration to countless wayward heathens, such as myself. I would be so honoured if you could find it in your heart to post this photo of my good friend Kevin Murphy on your International Network Website. It would mean a lot.

sincerely yours,

-Hurl Exoskeleton

Why is it that eight out of ten times I find myself in the company of Murph he’s picking his teeth in an unorthodox and probably unhealthy manner? His dentist must be mortified.

Then from over yonder in BoulderColoradowheretheytakecyclocrossseriously, Luuuke got in touch with news of Boulderites taking not being serious, extremely so;

“Check out this crew of riders currently hibernating in dark caves around Boulder. Stevil, we would love you to be an dishonorary member of Best Friends Bike Club;

What the fuck is BFBC? Bikes, beers, volunteering & lasers … in that order.”

To think that just a short eight years ago, an obviously highbrow group like the BFBC would have nothing to do with a ner-do-well like me and now I find myself with (dis)honorary memberships being offered. I am truly blessed.

And while we’re on the topic of being blessed, on Monday I embarked on a speed cycle journey along the byways all too familiar to me in my youth;

After fixing my first flat since my return, I peeled off onto a stretch of sublime single track trail which my friend Danny Norton first introduced me to in 1989. I traversed the skinny brown for a little while until I stopped to take a photo, because after all, what’s a bike ride if one doesn’t stop to document it for their stupid bicycle action related webloggings?

To paraphrase myself, and the originator of the comment, Eugene, “Arybody got they own kind of road ride.” From there I eventually descended at top speed back down to civilization where I ended up sticking my head into see the homies at The FTW Tattoo Shop;

which by the way, might very well be one of the only tattoo shops in the world where a person in stretchy pants and tap shoes is welcomed with open arms, much to the chagrin and confusion of the awaiting clientele.

It’s at this point that I sign off and mention with a heavy heart that a new post will appear here on Wednesday the 29th. Don’t hold it against me, as my departure is for a good reason and will yield many more weeks (days, minutes) of quality reading for you all, the best web log readership in the whole galaxy, which as it turns out is much bigger than the Eiffel Tower.

And that my friends, is what an empty inbox looks like.

Spread this like it's sick

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14 Responses to ““Persuaded, paraded, inebriated, and down.””

  1. HW Thrasher February 22, 2012 at 7:31 am #

    The new layout looks fabulous on an iPad.
    Going to an Apple store to read your blog is getting old though. 🙁

  2. pablo picnostral February 22, 2012 at 8:21 am #

    The O.G.s, Charles and Rae:

  3. Harold Holdren February 22, 2012 at 8:28 am #

    Good stuff Stevil.

  4. Keith Earickson February 22, 2012 at 9:35 am #

    I got a big bag of Black Market swag yesturday that clearly raises my level around my neighborhood. If I wear my ahtbm socks & wristbands and hat I’m like a pentacle star of black evil awesome. Thanks Stevil.

  5. kimbrolio February 22, 2012 at 12:20 pm #

    Whiskey bottle, over Jesus
    Not forever, just for now

  6. Dave Evil February 22, 2012 at 3:34 pm #

    Murph with a shaft in his mouth. Shocking.

    • Murph February 27, 2012 at 10:47 am #

      I learned it from watching you, Dad.

  7. Jersey Representin' February 22, 2012 at 3:56 pm #

    Sorry to be off topic, but loving the wizard staff day countdown timer, or did I read wrong and it’s the camping’s end of the world timer?

  8. chad February 22, 2012 at 9:28 pm #

    I dig the new layout…and yeah, the count down timer is rad too! …but I think my favorite part is the inverted cross icon on the tab when this site comes up. nice work!

  9. Grammar Queen February 23, 2012 at 12:11 am #

    “Serving no whine before IT’S time.”

    Cool layout, though. Keep it up.

    • Stevil February 23, 2012 at 5:40 am #

      There are two ways of looking at this. One is (what you’re mentioning) that I’m serving the whine before it is time, which doesn’t really make any sense. The other, which is the way I had intended is that I’m not serving the whine before the whine’s time. Meaning, until my complaint, disgruntled utterance, observation (or whine, if you will) has matured, I won’t mention it.

  10. Chezedog February 23, 2012 at 7:03 am #

    Ooh, nice favicon!

  11. Chezedog February 23, 2012 at 7:05 am #

    If you can replace it[‘]s in your sentence with it is or it has, then your word is it’s; otherwise, your word is its.

  12. josh in santa cruz February 23, 2012 at 2:28 pm #

    props on the UT quote!!