Stairway to heaving.

Good day to you and yours. Kicking things off noisily, I’d like to direct your attention to my recent musings of the 2nd annual P-Stone invitational.

If you’d like a full perspective of the event, then please allow me to include last year’s report as well.

If you’d care for full immersion to any and all of what went down (including the array of deafening gun blast/Vincent Pice laughter/Tazan call effects from Cardial’s sound effect machine), allow me to direct your attention here;

And as proud as I was to make the cut last year;

I nearly swelled with pride to the point of bursting when I saw this;

What a couple of absolute gravy bags.

If I thought my mom would be proud with my last year’s appearance, I’m sure this year she’s absolutely thrilled.

It’s with that, we’ll now move on from the topic of loafing at skateparks on the internet, to loafing on AHTBM merch… Also on the internet…

Several times over the last couple of months, people have periodically hit me up asking when I was going to have them top caps I had made again available for sale. Because I had other irons in the fire and limited resources with which to create any more, I generally replied with that more would get made when they did.

Lo and behold, it looks like that time is right now.

If you have an interest, you can put them on the tops of lots of things, ranging from your stem;

To your fuzzy buddy;

If you’d like one for either of those places, alls you gotta do is get your button pushing fingers warmed up and go here.

Quantities are limited, and I’m currently upside down with life in general, so I can’t promise a schedule of a re-do if you don’t snap one up now.

Finally in closing, I’ll circle back around to this post, and the topic of skedaddling, hightailing, and/or G(ing)TFO of dodge for a spell.

It was about two weeks ago when I heard the following observation;

If you visualize and focus on say, yellow trucks, you’ll start noticing them more often. If you do the same with disappointment and failure, likewise, they will be a consistent thing in your field of vision, and if you concentrate on opportunity, likewise, it will become more accessible.

That’s not exactly how it was put, but that was more or less the gist of it.

Anyway, over the course of the last year or so, I’ve been attempting to put this into action, but it wasn’t until I heard it put into those terms did it begin to make sense.

I used to have a girlfriend years and years ago who would get on me about being pessimistic. I contended that it was realism rather than pessimism, and that if you generally set your sights lower, the disappointment would never be as great.

While I still relate to my previously held perspective, the thing about the yellow truck struck a chord. If you wholly believe that good things will happen, there’s no quantifiable proof that says they won’t, and the older I get, the more convinced I’ve come that when you believe that good things will happen, they often times will.

I guess it has something to do with at least being open to it….

I don’t know. I’m sure this all sounds woowoo as hell, but even though it’s a work in progress, it’s already begun resonating with me in ways I previously couldn’t have foreseen.

That being said, it wasn’t even a few hours after I published the post on Thursday that I got a text from DPow! mentioning that his buddy was selling a Phoenix for about $15,000 less than they go for new;

Now, I’m not saying this shift in perspective was immediate, nor did it attract the connection with the seller, but I am saying I don’t think it hurt.

But get this- Not only was the person in question a friend of a friend, but it was just a week previous that he’d placed an order in the store for a Cher deck and a 7″ adapter. I don’t know cosmic, but that seemed like it.

So I’m beginning my transition away from what I know, and I’m headed off into a whole lot that I do not. If there was any concern with my reservation on this journey, I will put them to rest by saying that just yesterday I bought a fire extinguisher. If that doesn’t illustrate commitment, I don’t know what would.

I have a bin for clothes, a bin for kitchen stuff, a bin for an RC truck, two bikes, a skateboard, a sketchbook, and an RC truck.

I’m freaked out, and at the same time, delirious with anticipation.

So while the stairway to heaving remains intact, perhaps we can consider this the first step on the stairway to leaving.

Spread this like it's sick

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7 Responses to “Stairway to heaving.”

  1. Devin Curran May 7, 2019 at 10:18 am #


  2. EMBRY RUCKER May 7, 2019 at 12:50 pm #

    I believe.

  3. JP May 7, 2019 at 12:52 pm #

    WOW fuck yeah

  4. dpow May 7, 2019 at 2:36 pm #

    You know what else sounds woowoo as hell?

    • MD May 7, 2019 at 6:42 pm #


  5. Aaron Edge May 8, 2019 at 10:16 am #

    On your way, stoked for the new chapter my man!

  6. Jeff Rowe May 9, 2019 at 6:37 am #

    Tracker magnesiums are still around? Don’t focus on that.