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Gold stars for like, nearly everybody.

I was shocked. Within a matter of hours I had a nearly perfect score sent to me for Monday’s quiz from Jason. This tells me two things. My queries were too easy, and Jason has too much time on his hands.
That said, I have re-posted the test, with Jason’s answers and in the rare instance that he was wrong, the correct answer along side of it. Scan though and see how you faired.
Or dont.
I don’t really care.
This is what I imagined Jason’s response was to finding out that he had passed the test, though it is as of yet unconfirmed whether or not there was a fat man picking his nose behind him at the time.



As I mentioned sometime previously, I have finally concluded compiling a feat of marginal mental fortitude and attentiveness. What follows are twenty one questions which I have hand picked relating to specific points made during our time together here in the Black Market. If you have paid close attention to the whimsy and wonder that has been the past fifteen months, you should have all of the answers squirreled away in your skull. If you haven’t, then I can only say, all of the answers are here.. You just have to know where to look, and rest assured, it’s not gonna be a cake walk.
So what do you get for your efforts? Why, you will receive a very limited edition hairnet helmet;
-made by the very capable hands of Dank Bags Cory himself, along with a broad selection of brand new AHTBM merchandise. So with that being said, pick up your pencils. The test begins now.
