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It was the vest of times, it was the burst of times.

I’m back from my Southern California adventure (if going back to bed four times in a single day is an adventure) and I have webs to weave. However because it takes me at least 72 hours of effort per post, I will simply leave you with this image Rene Rodriguez took of Billiam at Friday evening’s rock and roll performance. It was loud and rambunctious, and people in Hollywood are ridiculous.

But more on that later. I still have to go back to bed at least three more times today.

A shitshow by any other name.

In the years of attending the annual Homie Fall Fest, I’ve begun my electronic retelling of said events with phrases like ‘Two Parts Fire, One Part Gas‘, and a ‘Bullet Train to Drunkingham‘, and describing the resulting glow as being pushed down some stairs into a kiddie pool full of alcohol.
Photo courtesy of Ben Hovland.