“We seem to think we have some control over this planet.” -Ralph Steadman

A funny thing happened to me on the way to the bloggings.

Hello there. Today is Monday, and as I expected I have found myself without time to write a post. Second to that, the magician who was supposed to come to my new dwelling and turn on the Internet never arrived so now I have to wait until Thursday.
Thirdly, you may notice that I have a brand new looking site, or maybe I don’t. Basically I’m typing this on a borrowed thingamajig in a dark room primarily occupied by dust bunnies so accessing Al Gore’s World Wide Web is proving to be a little tricky.
In the meantime, go give your special Valentine a smack on the ass, spend a little bit of time every day flexing with no shirt on in front of a full length mirror, and keep the home fires burning until my safe return.
Radtardedly yours,