McJunkins for everybody.
Rehash for Sunday.
Artist Dave Cooper, I thank ye.
One for the weekend from Jason.
Cheever the dragon slayer, getting the job done as usual.
But the soundtrack was like getting a crumb when you were ready for a feast, so if you have that bad feeling creeping down your spine, then here you go.
Satus incendia pro lusum (Starting fires for sport)
When curating the various submissions, and random flotsam I wind up presenting to you here, I usually am able to set it all in motion with a single video, jpeg or email, and from there the post just generally grows organically like the horticultural phenomenon, Penas Lanceolata;
What was Monday’s post became Wednesday’s post on Tuesday.
The first order of business is that about 75 pounds of AHTBM socks have arrived. If you want some, and I suggest that you should, all you have to do is go here.
Daddy can’t play today. Daddy real tired.
But I’ll be back with our regularly scheduled broadcast on Wednesday.
One for the weekend. Again.
I’ve had this up before, but it’s always due for a repeat. Future ex-wife number 366, Ms. PJ Harvey..