Happy hump day.
Firstly, I present to you this;
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, never trust a man with no pets.
Stay vigilant folks. I have a bad feeling the shitshow is only beginning.
Now that we have that fun bit of business handled, lets move onto something really cool that just dropped from Chrome Industries. It seems as though they’ve just partnered with none other than Bay Area purveyors of badassery, Antihero and dropped this joint project;
I’d heard small murmurings about this whole thing, but was fairly well out of the loop until this landed at my house;
I mean to tell you, I was floored.
If any of these items strike your fancy, give the Chrome shop a look-see.
I suppose I should reiterate that while I am a big fan of all of these goods, my honeymoon with the Brigade hasn’t even yet begun to conclude;
In terms of being able to get around by bike with a board, I love this bag more than any I’ve ever had, and have been putting to the test the last couple of weeks.
These days, getting it packed with an assortment of supplies, (shoes, jacket, six pack), and getting a pre-dirty parking lot dirt shred in has quickly become one of my favorite things in the world.
One of my least favorite things in the world is finding out my very favorite voice of bicycle racing has been admitted to the hospital with acute pancreatitis;
(Apologies… This photo of Dave feeding Sergei a sandwich that I shopped up a few years ago was most easily avalible at the time of posting.)
You heard that right, Mr. Dave Towle is real sick, and could use an assist.
If you had an extra five or ten spot you could throw towards his cause, I know the old bean could use it.
I wish him a speedy recovery, and I look forward to a day when we can once again slap hands.
Finally, I would like to address a couple of items I have currently for sale in my store. (Most of all of yesterday was spent dealing with aspects of said two items, as well as riding my bike, and ending up downtown where I ate a club sandwich.)
Firstly, I have one quarter of the second half of my initial order of stuntman cüzies back in stock;
Honestly, these things are such a monumental pain in the ass for Corndog to make, though he won’t admit to it in mixed company, I think he’s considered termination our friendship over them.
I might get the last quarter of the second half of the order eventually, but that’s about as good as I can guess.
Secondly, I finally succumbed to pressure when a nice person emailed me and pleaded* to do another run of the mildly popular ‘I don’t Fuck Around’ shirts;
*That’s not true. They asked casually if I was ever going to make them again.
Up until this point I’ve held a hard line and told people that if they didn’t get one the first time around, then they were out of luck.
Then I looked at my box of Christmas presents I have for Demonika;
And I figured I needed to generate some quick funds.
If you would like your one and final shot at getting one of these shirts, (until I’m audited by the IRS, shaken down by the mob, or both), then all you have to do to make that magic happen is go here.
Because reading comprehension isn’t for everybody, I submit this;
I’ll get this order processed toward the end of the month, and as always, I’ll get the goods out within two days of getting my hands on them.
And you can bet when that day comes, we’ll all be air humping like a room full of gingers.
gone already?!
It would seem so.
WOW! You didn’t fuck around!
Glad I struck while the iron was hot, for the first time ever. Those coozies are almost certainly the straw that will finally break Steve Young’s back.
Thanks boss.
Funk yes sk8toys and bikes kicks ass
Stevil…Have you seen what Mike V is up to lately? He strikes me as someone who exists on a similar plane as yourself. I just grabbed one of his reissues of his Public Domain ridden deck (wall art) and I can’t stop staring at the details on it (old rail holes, probably some crail slide gouges on tail) https://www.streetplantbrand.com/
Great post BTW!
Seen that dude just this last summer. https://allhailtheblackmarket.com/2017/06/now-where-was-i-3/