I’m a self destruction hobbiest.


Ace homie Kachusha Munkanta of Chuey Caps is in a bad way. The long and the short of it is that some time late Thursday night/early Friday morning, he noted the arrest of a group of young people. Wanting to ensure the fair treatment of those being detained, he stood by and observed, which upset the police officers a great deal and resulted in the cops jamming him up, jail time and a huge legal nightmare for our hero.

Chuey is the sweetest person you’d ever want to meet, and this is perhaps the last sort of situation you’d think he’d ever be immersed in.

I want to do what I can, so I’m taking MASH SF’s lead and committing all sales of my ‘I’m Fucked Up’ shirts to go directly to his legal aid.

Second to that, we’ve set up a general fund to help offset his mounting medical and legal fees.

Let’s help a brother out. He’s for sure one of the good guys.

*Update via Uptown Almanac.

Now back to our regularly scheduled broadcast.

Until next time.

I’m outta here.

Image taken from the ‘The Hitchhiker’ episode of The Twilight Zone, which if you celebrated Thanksgiving between the years of 1980 and 1990, you’ve seen at least ten times.