“We seem to think we have some control over this planet.” -Ralph Steadman

A science experiment of sorts.

When I think of times spent in Portland East, and these last few days especially, I imagine a science lab where a hand full of lab-coated individuals finally perfected an experiment wherein they successfully created a full sized atomic explosion on a miniature scale.


One (and stuff) for the weekend.

Now that we have that out of the way, let me remind you and yours that this weekend will see Shellac Of North America’s 20th anniversary show, which will follow a silent auction of the band’s gig posters earlier on the same day at One On One Studio;

Then the following day, we’ll all be getting our skids on at the Coaster Brake Catastrophe;

Don’t forget your beards and bellbottoms.

So that’s it from this end. I will resume a regular posting schedule on Wednesday, September fifth at my standard o’dark thirty.

Have good weekends, and stay bananas.