I’m a self destruction hobbiest.

(North) East bound and down.

On Thursday morning Blue Collar Robert and I loaded up and hauled ass in two separate vehicles (his obviously much cooler than mine) towards the small town of Quincy, California, and the fifth annual Grinduro. (Maybe it was the fourth. I don’t know. I haven’t really been paying attention.)

Anyhü, after three days of riding, and two solid days of hustling the hustle, we headed back towards home, and here at 9:00 pm on Sunday evening, I’m cooked. I’ll hustle and rustle up a proper post for Tuesday morning, but for the time being, just allow visions of hundreds of bearded bike dorks, swimming holes so cold they hurt your soul, and endless singletrack dance in your heads;

Photo courtesy of Sean Hurl.

As always, I thank you for your time and consideration on the matter.

So until Tüsday, get loaded up and trucking.