I’m a self destruction hobbiest.

On assignment.

I skipped to the PNW for a few days to (1) catch up on some reading, (2) to buy a new pair of shoes, (3) because I’d heard there was a surplus of Rainier that needed to be consumed, and most importantly, (4) to assist Minneapolis’ One On One Bike Studio in finding a new, gigantic pile of derelict bikes for their soon-to-be-opened new space they have cooking;

In the first twenty four hours I banged out not one, but all four of those directives.

Now all I have to do is figure out what the UPS requirements are regarding shipping said pile.

Sit tight on any orders that have been placed. I’ll be back in the office this weekend, and should have any pending orders filled on Monday.

Until then, I’ll continue to put the ‘ass’ in ‘assignment’.